The Jolly Roger

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1909
15 Chu Lin Rd, 新加坡 669907
6468 2344
新加坡的The Jolly Roger是一家歷史悠久的樂器店,初創於1987年,一直是新加坡樂器界的翹楚,代理各廠牌Electro-voice,Samson,SKB等樂器更是能讓樂手及樂器愛好者一拚到底!

The Jolly Roger擁有多樣化的產品,從麥克風,音響系統,銅管樂器,打擊樂器,弦樂器,吉他及鋼琴等等豐富多樣的樂器及配件,可適應所有樂手的需求,無論您是新手或專業樂手,都能選擇到您滿意的樂器。


The Jolly Roger提供全球性的樂器及配件訂購服務,若您所需要的樂器原來店面不具備,該店可幫您以最合理的價格,與全球的樂器廠家聯繫,只要您的需求足夠簡單,就能訂購滿意的樂器。

The Jolly Roger更提供現貨及特色,狗仔頭,把手,琴鍵等配件,無論您是想要購買一把嶄新的器樂或是更新現有的樂器,該店都能滿足您的需求。

The Jolly Roger致力於提供優質的樂器及配件,旨在為樂手提供最佳的服務和性能,發掘新加坡樂器界,達致樂手的夢想,增加樂器知識的專業程度,以達到更高的水準。

The Jolly Roger擁有優惠特價,會員積分累積,得到豐厚的禮遇,使每位客戶的購物體驗更加完美愉快。這家店以自己的價值觀,提供安全,價格公道,优良的服务,以及精美的樂器,為新加坡樂器界帶來無限的可能。

The Jolly Roger is a Singapore-based bar with a unique atmosphere and an interesting selection of alcoholic beverages. The bar has a wide range of alcoholic beverages including wines, spirits, and beers, all of which are carefully crafted and chosen to provide an enjoyable experience.

The atmosphere of The Jolly Roger is one of its most attractive features. The owners of the bar go out of their way to make sure the environment is inviting and comfortable for its customers. This includes dimmed lighting, mellow music, and plush decor. The bar often hosts live music and themed events such as movie nights and karaoke.

The Jolly Roger also provides a great selection of food to complement its drinks menu. Customers will find a selection of snacks, sandwiches, and other dishes. The bar also provides a great selection of vegetarian options.

The Jolly Roger has a strict policy of not serving anyone under the age of 18 and has a zero-tolerance policy for any customer who is intoxicated or incapable of making sound decisions. Furthermore, customers are not allowed to bring outside alcohol into the premises.

The Jolly Roger is dedicated to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for its customers. The bar values customer feedback and works hard to ensure that customers are able to enjoy the best possible experience.

The Jolly Roger in Singapore is a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. The food is delicious, the atmosphere is lively, and the music is always rockin’. The staff are friendly and accommodating, always willing to help with whatever you need. The cocktails are amazing and the drinks menu is extensive. Prices are reasonable for the quality of food and drinks. If you’re looking for a fun spot to grab a bite or have a few drinks with friends, The Jolly Roger is the place to go!

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