Kwan Inn Vegetarian

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1949
221 Boon Lay Pl, Singapore 640221

Kwan Inn Vegetarian是新加坡優質素食店之一,位於小印度Blk 1001 Jalan Bukit Merah,本店以新加坡菜為主,菜單豐富多樣,以鮮美食材烹飪的非常美味及令人回味無窮,保留新加坡特色及美味的素食料理為己任。

Kwan Inn Vegetarian提供的新加坡素食料理產品包括: Meatless Curry Rice、Fried Carrot Cake、Vegetarian Nasi Lemak、Mapo Tofu Rice、Manjal Rice、Gado Gado Rice、Vegetarian Mee Siam等,滿足每一位食客的口味需求,提供一流的素食料理,令客人們可以在Kwan Inn Vegetarian享受到最道地的新加坡素食料理。

Kwan Inn Vegetarian 對每位食客的價值和要求,從服務到烹調,都盡量做到完美,產品安全健康,新鮮營養,品質有保證,以極高的價值觀追求提供客人一個最佳的用餐經驗。

Kwan Inn Vegetarian 把客戶和員工家庭看做自己的家庭,關注每位客人和員工,對他們不斷進行追蹤服務和培訓,確保提供客戶一流的服務,讓每位客人都能在此享受美好的素食用餐體驗。

Kwan Inn Vegetarian, a wholly Singapore-owned vegetarian dining spot situated in the heart of Chinatown, is a favorite among locals for its unique variety of vegetarian dishes. Established in 2014, Kwan Inn Vegetarian specializes in vegetarian Western and Asian cuisine that uses 100% plant-based ingredients.

The restaurant prides itself on its specialty dishes, prepared with delicately selected ingredients that are not only nutritious and healthy but also flavor packed. Some of these signature dishes include the delicious vegan shiitake mushroom ‘burger’ with vegan cheese, a delightful vegan oyster mushroom ‘fish’ and chips and the vegan gingko nut and yam paste, a must-try. Besides its signature dishes, Kwan Inn Vegetarian also offers diners a whole range of delicious vegetarian dishes, from curries to soups, salads to stir-fries and desserts.

In addition to its delicious selections of dishes, Kwan Inn Vegetarian also provides a warm and cozy atmosphere, as it is furnished with wooden furniture and adorned with gardens of vibrant and lush green plants. It is no wonder Kwan Inn Vegetarian has been lauded as one of the best vegetarian restaurants in Singapore, providing tasty and affordable plant-based dishes in an ambient environment.

1. "I have been visiting this restaurant a lot during the last few years and love the food here. Everything is delicious and the atmosphere is really nice." - TripAdvisor

2. "Nice and cozy place with delicious vegetarian food. I had a lot of dishes and everything was amazing." - Google Reviews

3. "The food here is really fresh and flavourful. Love that they have a variety of vegetarian options." - Yelp

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