Ocean Rock Seafood

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2361
Murray House, Stanley, 香港
2899 0858

Ocean Rock Seafood在香港是一家廣受歡迎的海鮮餐廳,它著重於提供傳統和創新的海鮮餐點,其特色包括:

一、 供應海鮮料理:Ocean Rock Seafood將最新鮮和經過精心挑選的本地、近海和遠洋海產料理提供給客人,以滿足客人的烹飪需求。

二、 保證品質:Ocean Rock Seafood承諾只使用最高品質的新鮮海鮮來準備餐點,讓客人享受到最好口感的海鮮料理。

三、 現代餐廳民宿:Ocean Rock Seafood的海鮮餐廳還提供高品質的住宿服務,讓客人能夠在熱情的氣氛中享受海鮮料理和服務。

1. "I went to Ocean Rock Seafood last week and had an amazing experience! The food was cooked to perfection and the staff were very attentive. Everyone had a great time and we all agreed that we would go back again."

2. "I had a great time at Ocean Rock Seafood. We ordered the seafood platter and were impressed with the variety of items and the quality of the food. The staff members were friendly and helpful and the atmosphere of the restaurant was very pleasant."

3. "I had a lovely dinner at Ocean Rock Seafood. The presentation of the food was outstanding and the flavors of the dishes were truly enjoyable. The staff was very professional and made sure our stay was comfortable. Highly recommended!"

🏟 熱到家PIZZA(次):600台灣嘉義市東區嘉義市吳鳳北路363號
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🏟 漁匠甘霖(次):103台灣台北市大同區迪化街一段23號
🏟 古早味飯麵(次):406台灣台中市太平區樹孝路440號
🏟 Main St Deli Restaur(次):8 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, 香港
🏟 樓下 串燒酒場(次):701台灣台南市東區東安路170號
🏟 普賢素食(次):號, No. 201中山路旗山區高雄市台灣 842
🏟 早安晨堡(次):號, No. 397重立路左營區高雄市台灣 813
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🏟 餓了(台式丼飯)台南成大店(次):701台灣台南市東區育樂街179號
🏟 楊媽媽手工水餃(次):404台灣台中市北區榮華街118號
🏟 Restaurant Hoshigaok(次):200 Turf Club Rd, 01-31, Singapore 287994
🏟 Rainbow PaPa(次):320台灣桃園市中壢區幸福新村3號
🏟 丫杜麵線(次):251台灣新北市淡水區水源街二段94號
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🏟 良心小館(次):81454台灣高雄市仁武區八德一路203-2號
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🏟 春日食堂(次):712台灣台南市新化區忠孝路118-1號
🏟 蓁愛食素(次):811台灣高雄市楠梓區後昌路1143號號
🏟 提緣客家小館(次):325台灣桃園市龍潭區中正路上華段112巷龍新新村54號