花惹蜜 Follow Milk

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Follow Milk is a small business located in Taitung County, Taiwan. It was established in 2017 by a passionate couple. Follow Milk produces and sells handmade dairy products such as ice cream, milk tea, and yogurt. The owners believe that the purest and freshest milk should be able to reach people directly.

Follow Milk has a strong focus on the quality of their products, and they only use the purest and freshest ingredients. The milk they use is specially sourced from organic farms in Taitung County. To ensure that their products are of the highest quality, they personally monitor the production process and conduct rigorous testing. The owners believe that only through ensuring the natural and freshness of the milk can they truly bring out its unique flavors. 

Follow Milk places a particular emphasis on sustainability and local production. All of their milk products are produced in the local Taitung County, and they strive to ensure that their business remains in harmony with the environment and the local people. They also use recyclable containers and packaging to reduce their environmental impact.

Follow Milk offers a variety of flavors for their dairy products, such as matcha, cocoa, and strawberry. They also offer seasonal flavors such as durian and passionfruit. Their products can be found in local supermarkets, convenience stores, and online ordering platforms.

In addition to offering high-quality products, Follow Milk also places a strong emphasis on customer service. The owners are always willing to answer any questions and offer helpful advice. They also provide free delivery services to customers within Taitung County. 

Overall, Follow Milk is an excellent choice for those looking for high-quality, locally produced dairy products. With their focus on quality, sustainability, and customer service, Follow Milk is sure to satisfy even the most discerning customers.

根據台東縣花惹蜜 Follow Milk的特色,有關台東縣花惹蜜 Follow Milk的條例如下: 

第一條: 花惹蜜 Follow Milk 主要提供花惹蜜的有機奶製品。

第二條: 該產品不含非有機原物料,所有原物料都來自於嚴格控管的有機牧場環境。

第三條: 花惹蜜 Follow Milk 遵循對農村社區的投資,確保公平合理的待遇給每個農民,並尊重原住民的傳統文化。

第四條: 花惹蜜 Follow Milk 低溫慢牛奶脫脂技術,能確保每罐牛奶的風味不失萃取本質,確保高品質的味道。 

第五條: 花惹蜜 Follow Milk 用環境友善的包裝,同時也可以減少廢棄物的產生。


「我們前往台東縣花惹蜜 Follow Milk,體驗了好不錯的甜點。蘋果蛋糕好好吃,特別是蛋糕上的焦糖糖漿,太好吃了!服務也很棒,員工很熱情,能夠為我們解答我們所有問題。非常推薦!」


「我們到台東縣花惹蜜 Follow Milk期待已久,沒想到他們的甜點真的太好吃了!馬卡龍酥很美味,而且不膩口,層次分明,非常香氣四溢。服務人員也很熱情,會提供充足的推薦。如果你有機會去,一定要來嚐嚐!」

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