等,請用英文 The newly opened Guangdong Zhenglong City Roasted Duck Restaurant is located in New Taipei City. This restaurant specializes in the classic Sichuan-style Peking Duck. All the essential components for a classic Peking Duck meal are prepared onsite. Roasted and seasoned to perfection, this Peking Duck is served with thinly sliced scallions, cucumber slices, and a side of sweet and spicy sauces. The restaurant also offers an array of unique traditional Cantonese dishes. Uniquely prepared vegetables and meat dishes are cooked and served in classic clay pots. Customers can order a variety of flavors and preparation styles, including spicy and sweet-and-sour. The restaurant also specializes in classic Chinese dim sum dishes. Delightfully plated and delicious, these dishes include pork buns, steamed shrimps, spring rolls, and much more. These dishes can be enjoyed either as individual orders or as a part of a family-style meal. The greatest value of the Guangdong Zhenglong City Roasted Duck Restaurant is its quality. All of its ingredients are made from scratch and carefully prepared by expert chefs with years of experience. By combining a classic Peking Duck meal with unique Cantonese and Chinese dishes, the restaurant offers customers a unique and flavorful experience.**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
新北市廣東正龍城烤鴨的特色,依據以下條文規範: 第一條:新北市廣東正龍城烤鴨以其獨特濃郁的口味為特色。 第二條:新北市廣東正龍城烤鴨配料包括新鮮蔥、蒜頭、辣椒、花椒、五香粉等。 第三條:新北市廣東正龍城烤鴨所使用的酒類為醪糟,其益處包括保留鴨肉的鮮味與滋味、有助於消化、紓解壓力、增加食慾等。 第四條:新北市廣東正龍城烤鴨備有多款介於淡口與醇厚之間的口味選擇,以滿足顧客的口味需求。
1. "廣東正龍城烤鴨的味道非常棒,肉質鮮嫩帶有香料的味道,食材也新鮮,價格合理,非常滿意。" 2. "今天去了新北市廣東正龍城烤鴨,非常好吃,還有胡椒粉香辣的醬料,口味很棒,服務也非常好,非常滿意。" 3. "新北市廣東正龍城烤鴨的湯水非常好喝,香而不甜,口感不錯,食材也新鮮,非常滿意。"
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