熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > 三清洞韓食x飯卷著吃The Rice R

三清洞韓食x飯卷著吃The Rice R

The Rice R is a Korean food restaurant located in Sanqing Cave, Hsinchu County. The restaurant has been well-known for over three years due to its popular dishes. The restaurant is especially renowned for its signature dish, Rice Rolls.

The Rice R serves traditional Korean dishes such as kimchi, bulgogi, and bibimbap. However, one of the most popular dishes is the “Rice Roll”, which is a wrap made with steamed sticky rice filled with various ingredients. The ingredient choices include pork, beef, vegetables, and even spicy seafood. The Rice Roll is definitely one of the must-try specialties in The Rice R.

Besides the popular Rice Roll dish, The Rice R is also known for its reasonable prices. Customers can order a variety of dishes at a reasonable price, which attracts many customers. The restaurant also regularly offers discounts and promotional offers to its customers. In addition, the restaurant also offers a variety of freshly-made side dishes such as kimchi, vegetable salads, and other snacks.

Apart from its good food, The Rice R also provides friendly and hospitable service to its customers. The servers are attentive and friendly which makes customers feel relaxed and welcome.

When it comes to value, The Rice R definitely stands out from the other Korean restaurants in the area. Not only does it provide good and reasonably priced food, but it also offers a unique and fun dining experience to its customers. The restaurant also has an extensive menu with a variety of dishes to choose from.

Overall, The Rice R restaurant in Sanqing Cave, Hsinchu County is a great place to visit for a good, authentic Korean meal. Not only does it offer a wide selection of dishes at a reasonable price, but it also provides a warm and hospitable atmosphere. Customers can also take advantage of the promotional offers and discounts it offers. The Rice R is definitely a great choice when it comes to an enjoyable yet affordable Korean dining experience.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  302台灣新竹縣竹北市三民路460號 (行車路線)


☎ 0968 004 254  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

新竹縣三清洞韓食x飯卷著吃The Rice R具有以下特色:

Ⅰ、The Rice R飯卷是用新鮮米飯製成,再加入適量的調味料和韓國金烤牛肉,這種結合口感滋味十分可口;

Ⅱ、The Rice R飯卷是以寬鬆的方式捲起來,裡面幾乎都是韓國金烤牛肉的風味,口感滋味十分濃郁;

Ⅲ、The Rice R飯卷將飯糰和外層皮質以及層層的醬料分開擺放,碰觸時風味能更加突出。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

可以在Google上找到The Rice R的大眾評論,評論如下:

1. 「我們上個月去新竹縣三清洞吃The Rice R的飯卷,真的很棒!那裡的配料都超新鮮,醬汁也很好吃,服務也很好,價錢也合理,值得推薦!」

2. 「我最近去新竹縣三清洞吃The Rice R的飯卷,真的很好吃!肉桂和洋蔥都是新鮮的,醬汁也很好吃!而且價錢也很合理,我很滿意!」

3. 「我們上個月去新竹縣三清洞吃The Rice R的飯卷,非常滿意!非常新鮮的食材,超級美味的醬汁,而且價錢也合理!還有熱情的服務,非常推薦!」


三清洞韓食 新 莊 店






三 清 洞韓食 濱 山 店 菜單




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