熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Chiulin


Chiulin is a popular restaurant located in the center of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The restaurant specializes in Taiwanese cuisine, and offers a variety of dishes from the traditional to the innovative. The restaurant has a wide selection of dishes from different regions, like Taiwan, Shanghai, and Hangzou.

Chiulin is not only a place to eat, but also a place to enjoy. The ambience of the place is modern and comfortable, with a cozy dining area and stylish decor. It has a bright, airy atmosphere with its large windows and stylish furniture. The restaurant also offers an outdoor seating area and an open bar.

The food at Chiulin is prepared with the utmost care and attention to quality. The menu features a variety of dishes ranging from the classic dishes to creative interpretations of Taiwanese cuisine. The restaurant also has a number of signature dishes, such as the “Fried Pork Soup” and the “Crispy Pork Belly”.

The prices at Chiulin are reasonable and there are many options for different budget levels. The restaurant also offers a variety of drinks and desserts, such as the popular Matcha Pudding.

The main value proposition of Chiulin is its ability to provide a memorable culinary experience through the quality of its food, the atmosphere and the service. The restaurant provides a unique and enjoyable experience by combining the traditional with the modern. The restaurant is a great place to enjoy a good meal with family and friends.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  807台灣高雄市三民區嫩江街133號 (行車路線)


☎ 07 322 8398  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. 高雄Chiulin有極具特色的社區文化,現以文化資產為主要推動面向民眾的服務。 

2. 高雄Chiulin有豐富的歷史,它始於清朝康熙朝,擁有400多年的豐富文化歷史。 

3. 高雄Chiulin獨具風格的建築物,結合台灣傳統建築技術與宋朝建築風格,具有浪漫宜人的風情。

4. 高雄Chiulin傳統積木檯桌,是一項獨特的文化,具有特殊的藝術特色,被公認為是台灣最有特色的傳統積木風格。 

5. 高雄Chiulin的美麗海景,有著恢宏壯觀的曲浪、湛藍湛綠的色彩,更是夏季熱門的海灘景點之一。 

6. 高雄Chiulin的美食,有最正宗的海鮮美食,多樣的日本料理及特色小吃,滿足您口胃的多樣化需求。 

7. 高雄Chiulin擁有繁榮的文化活動,例如農民歌舞、龍潭水晶祭、拍拚祭、屏聲祭等,是民眾與傳統文化最直接的互動之處。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. 社子島出海之旅- 我跟朋友去了高雄的Chiulin鎮玩,碼頭上很多的船只正在往返航行,那清涼的海風一吹,整個旅行氣氛馬上就完美了!今天選擇了一台小船出海,去環島看看海岸線豐富的景色,見到海鷗、海豹的蹤影,也一邊品嚐到Chiulin的美味海鮮,真是太棒了!

2. 沙灘日出活動- 闔家出遊到高雄Chiulin,一早來到沙灘觀賞日出,市政府也在這時為大家劃拉燈布及準備篝火活動,大家可以一起在夕陽下享受悠閒的時光,也收穫不少美好的回憶,更美的是,我們走出海邊望向天空,收穫的是一片美麗的彩虹,真是太神奇了!




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