Hing Lung Restaurant

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1585
G/F, 2 First St, Sok Kwu Wan, Lamma Island, Lamma Island, 香港
2982 8644

Hing Lung Restaurant has been a staple of Hong Kong’s culinary scene for almost seven decades, and it’s renowned for its Cantonese kitchen-style cuisine. The restaurant’s signature dishes include the classic Hong Kong-style roasted duck and char siu, as well as other dishes like congee, soups, seafood, and pork dishes. Hing Lung also offers a range of vegetarian options, which includes meatless dishes such as vegetable fried rice, tofu, and mushrooms. The restaurant also features a full bar, offering a selection of beer, wine, and spirits. Furthermore, the restaurant employs traditional Chinese table service and many of the waitstaff have been with the establishment for more than twenty years. In addition, the restaurant has been the recipient of many awards and accolades throughout its history, highlighting its commitment to providing excellent dishes and services.

1. "Hing Lung Restaurant is an absolute must go if you visit Hong Kong. The food is always fresh, the staff are incredibly helpful and friendly and the atmosphere is absolutely wonderful. I have been to many other Chinese restaurants in Hong Kong, but Hing Lung has always provided me with the best experience. Highly recommend!" 

2. "Hing Lung Restaurant is not only a great place to have dinner but also a great place to hang out with friends. My friends and I had a great evening over some hearty dishes and excellent dim sum. The service was also very friendly and helpful. Highly recommended!" 

3. "Hing Lung Restaurant is one of the best Chinese restaurants in Hong Kong. The food is always freshly prepared and the variety they offer is amazing. The staff are always attentive and friendly and the overall atmosphere is great. Highly recommended!"

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