Thai Basil

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1. Generally, Thai Basil餐廳以傳統的泰式料理為主,以高品質的新鮮食材提供的精緻美食為特色。 

2. 在Thai Basil, 客人可以享受眾多道的招牌料理,包括石窯烤魷魚、泰式炒河粉、炒青蛙等均出自於大廚精心挑選的食材。

3.  而這裡把舊式的技巧和傳統的泰式料理烹製技巧完美結合,將精華發揮得淋漓盡致。 

4. 尤其是有特色的泰式炸醬醬汁和酸甜的醬料,令食物更加美味、香氣四溢,滋味無窮。

5. 此外,店內還提供多樣式的精緻甜品,例如泰式布丁、芒果椰汁冰塊等,令食客可享受充分的開胃選擇。

1. "My family and I enjoy the delicious Thai food at Thai Basil. We usually order chow mein, shrimp spring rolls, crab meat fried rice, Thai fried rice, and various curries. They have the best Thai food in town. We always get good service and we love the atmosphere. Highly recommended!"

2. "I love this restaurant! Their Thai food is really good. The flavors are amazing and so flavorful. The portions are generous and the prices are really reasonable. The atmosphere is laidback and pleasant. I definitely recommend this restaurant for its great food and great service. Highly recommended!"

3. "I've been to Thai Basil many times and I love it. The food is delicious and the staff is so friendly and helpful. I always enjoy the fresh spring rolls, green curry, and tom yum. The portions are generous and I love their menu selection. This is one of my favorite Thai restaurants in Hong Kong. Highly recommended!"

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