
💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2684
42 Club St, 新加坡 069420
6223 8048
Platters Singapore is a popular restaurant located in Singapore with a modern, low-key and contemporary style. They are well known for offering a variety of delicious dishes with excellent service. Their menu consists of both local and international dishes, ranging from traditional Singaporean dishes to Italian, Japanese and Chinese. They also have a great selection of beverages and desserts.

Platters Singapore emphasizes providing their customers with fresh, quality ingredients while still keeping prices affordable. All their dishes are cooked with fresh produce and only the finest spices. They take pride in creating dishes that taste delicious and look great.

The restaurant is located in the heart of Singapore and is open for lunch, dinner and brunch. They offer an extensive menu of starters, mains and desserts. Their most popular dishes include Haianese chicken rice, black pepper crab, prawn and asparagus dumplings, as well as a variety of other dishes. 

Their desserts are also another reason why Platter Singapore is so popular. They offer a variety of cakes and pastries such as fruit tarts, croissants, and bavarois. 

Their signature dish, the Platter's Board, is a mix of various different dishes in one platter, giving the customers a taste of everything. It contains a selection of their signature dishes such as prawn and asparagus dumplings, satay, fried chicken wings and steamed vegetables.

The food, service and atmosphere at Platter Singapore make it one of the best places to eat in Singapore. They also have a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, making it a great place to dine with friends and family.

Their value lies in the quality of the food they serve, their reasonable prices and the unique dishes they offer. The atmosphere of the restaurant is relaxed, yet sophisticated and the service is efficient and friendly. Platter Singapore is the perfect place for a casual dinner or a more formal occasion.








1. Platter’s Singapore是一家結合了當地新加坡風格和料理的美食餐廳,有許多美味的菜餚可供選擇。菜餚中包括烤肉、蝦膏和魚翅湯,非常受歡迎。

2. 該餐廳的服務非常出色,員工熱情而樂於助人,會給客人建議有關菜餚的選擇和價格。

3. 價格合理,物有所值,非常划算!

4. 餐廳環境優雅,適合家庭用餐,也適合朋友聚會。

5. 翡翠酒店就在Platter的新加坡附近,周邊環境安靜。

🏟 大埔必勝客(次):香港大埔大埔大埔墟寶湖道18號麗湖閣11-12號地舖
🏟 富貴亭美食店(次):320台灣桃園市中壢區五族街57號
🏟 潮州聞香閣宴會餐廳(次):920台灣屏東縣潮州鎮四維路550號920
🏟 闔家小館(次):106台灣台北市大安區仁愛路四段122巷49號
🏟 永恆天詩義式美食館(次):708台灣台南市安平區永華路二段812號
🏟 寶島翁祥記潮州砂鍋粥(次):408台灣臺中市南屯區台中市南屯區文心南一路二號
🏟 蕃茄妹小吃店(次):10369台灣台北市大同區大龍街290號
🏟 新泰東南亞餐廳 Sun Thai Res(次):香港灣仔大王東街21&23號興旺閣HK 香港島 灣仔 G/F, 1/F, 2/F
🏟 Ole Spanish Restaura(次):1/F, Shun Ho Tower, 24-30 Ice House St, Central, 香港
🏟 鴻福燒鵝海鮮酒家(次):香港土瓜灣馬坑涌道5號
🏟 阿觀魯味(次):702台灣台南市南區健康路一段301-307號
🏟 咚雞咚雞디디치킨 韓式炸雞-鳳山店-韓式(次):830台灣高雄市鳳山區中山路78之3號
🏟 美心閣(次):香港赤鱲角翔天路1號
🏟 萬佳鄉早餐店-安成店(次):231台灣新北市新店區安成街25號
🏟 梅花飯糰(次):812台灣高雄市小港區平和路30號號
🏟 杉仔桶 米糕研究所—宜蘭小吃 打卡餐廳(次):260台灣宜蘭縣宜蘭市國榮路一號
🏟 Flying Cat Coffee Co(次):3041 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97214美國
🏟 老阿伯現滷豆干(次):335台灣桃園市大溪區中正路37號
🏟 吉祥快餐店(次):236台灣新北市土城區明德路二段102巷6號
🏟 乾燒蛤(次):號, No. 301學府路大雅區台中市台灣 428
🏟 轉角食堂(次):號 No, No. 45中華東路二段東區台南市台灣 701
🏟 烤事苑餐館(次):732台灣台南市白河區關子嶺61之1號
🏟 二木坊日式涮涮鍋新莊民安店(次):242台灣新北市新莊區民安西路122號
🏟 Erüke食之真味:老麵種歐洲麵包&世界(次):540台灣南投縣南投市彰南路一段970號二樓(三和二路側入口
🏟 Club S(次):香港尖東尖沙咀加連威老道92號幸福中心