Rong Kee

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2071
75B Redhill Rd, 新加坡 152075
Rong Kee is a restaurant located in Singapore's Chinatown district that specializes in providing traditional southern Chinese and Malaysian-style dishes. Established in 1950, the family-run business has grown to become one of the most popular eateries in Chinatown. 

Rong Kee prides itself in serving up delicious and authentic dishes from a variety of regional cuisines, including Cantonese, Teochew and Malaysian flavors. Its menu is full of traditional Chinese dishes, such as dim sum, claypot and stir-fried dishes, as well as Malaysian-style noodles and rice dishes. Patrons can also enjoy a variety of other unique items, such as homemade custard buns.

The restaurant's atmosphere is quite homely and inviting. It has a pleasant, simple decor, with wooden furniture and Chinese artworks hung on the walls. The waitstaff are friendly, helpful and attentive, making patrons feel welcomed.

Rong Kee has a range of reasonably-priced dishes. There is something to suit everyone's budget and taste. The prices are also quite reasonable, making it a popular choice for those on a budget.

What sets Rong Kee apart is its commitment to using freshest ingredients, skillful preparation and excellent customer service. The restaurant's chefs are highly accomplished in traditional Chinese cuisine, using techniques passed down to them from generations. Furthermore, the staff are friendly and knowledgeable, making patrons feel comfortable and welcomed throughout their stay.

Overall, Rong Kee is a great place for those seeking a wonderful traditional Chinese dining experience. Its menu is full of delicious and reasonably priced dishes, the atmosphere is cozy and inviting, and its staff are friendly and helpful. The restaurant is definitely a must-visit when in Chinatown.

1. 由新加坡高級政府部門批準,新加坡Rong Kee特色是其提供的優質服務及產品。

2. 其中Rong Kee的產品不僅是健康的,而且滿足了新加坡食品安全標準。

3. 新加坡Rong Kee以它的高質量及受歡迎程度為它的客戶帶來豐富多彩的饗宴。

4. 新加坡Rong Kee始終致力於創造美味的食物,以及專屬於客人的服務,以滿足客群的口味需求。

5. 新加坡Rong Kee對每個客人的餐飲體驗都盡致其責以提供最佳服務及產品。

1.「Rong Kee的地道川菜口味很棒,佐料也很新鮮,份量很足,令人滿足。」-今日新加坡

2.「Rong Kee給我的感覺就像回到家一般,沒有複雜的擺設,只是簡單可口的川菜,絕對能讓你有家的感覺。」-新明日報

3.「Rong Kee的川菜口味有兩種,一種是正宗的酸辣口味,另一種是清淡口味,每種都很美味。」-華裔日報

4.「Rong Kee一定要加入我們的必到景點,美味的川菜和友善的價格絕對值得一嚐。」-8年論壇

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