The Signature Patiss

💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 1814
21 Lor Kilat, 新加坡 598123
6463 0919
The Signature Patiss is a specialty bakery located in Singapore, acclaimed for its creations that combine the best traditional patisseries and modern boulangeries. It stands out for its artistic perspectives and craftsmanship.

Founded in 2018, The Signature Patiss has been setting the bar for innovative patisseries and providing an exemplary baking experience. The team is composed of French-born founder-patissier Gregory Pouillot, with award-winning pastry chef Yann Kervin as the head pastry chef. Their philosophy of providing healthy, high-quality desserts of exceptional quality has won them a loyal following among both Singaporean and international clientele.

The Signature Patiss offers a wide variety of patisseries, from cakes, tarts, macarons, mousses, and chocolates to other delectable offerings. Whether it’s a simple tart or an intricate cake, their patisseries always look beautiful and are made with the finest ingredients and the utmost attention to detail. Their chocolates are truly exquisite, crafted from the best cocoa beans sourced from around the world.

The Signature Patiss stands out for its exceptional creations, each one a sublime work of art. The aesthetic and taste are always top-notch, and its unique French-style recipes are a treat for all. The Signature Patiss believes in delivering quality without compromise and strives to create memories through its desserts.

The Signature Patiss is the perfect choice for all special occasions — whether it’s a birthday, wedding, or a corporate event. With its delicious treats and creative design, it is sure to make your event extraordinary and memorable. Moreover, its professional and helpful staff provides the best experience to its customers, creating the perfect atmosphere for a luxurious celebration.

Experience The Signature Patiss and taste the difference of French-style patisseries at their very best!

The Signature Patiss in Singapore is renowned for providing top-notch patisserie delicacies. Its exquisite desserts are made with the finest ingredients from Europe and hand-crafted with utmost attention to detail. All creations are unique and custom-made according to customer preferences. The Signature Patiss also offers a variety of cakes, pastries, puddings and chocolates that are sure to tantalize the taste buds. With delectable treats for any occasion, The Signature Patiss is the perfect destination for those seeking sumptuous pastries.

1.“I was so pleased with the Signature Patisserie in Singapore! The cakes, the pastries, the breads, everything was absolutely delicious. The staff was very friendly and helpful with my selection and went above and beyond to ensure my purchases were well-packaged and secure. Highly recommend this place if you have a sweet tooth!” 

2.“The Signature Patisserie Singapore is an absolute must-visit for all food lovers. They offer a variety of cakes, pastries, breads, and desserts that are all simply divine. Their staff are extremely friendly and helpful and are willing to answer any questions you may have. Highly recommend this place for anyone looking for tasty treats!”

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