
💛 💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2057
4 Duxton Hill, 新加坡 089590
6238 5287
Praelum是新加坡最有名的紅酒品牌之一,從地面酒窖,各大藝術活動, 由新加坡研發的紅酒,千領葡萄酒都可以說是Praelum獨有的酒文化。

Praelum紅酒有著全新的生態酒標,僅走在有機價值的路線, 酒莊葡萄園嚴格遵循生態管理,每一支酒都出自於這樣的殊榮荣誠, 這確定了Praelum紅酒風格的獨特和純正。

此外,Praelum紅酒風格的來源也非常鮮明,其從用於釀酒葡萄的甘蔗葡萄汁起, 這種甘蔗葡萄汁的甘甜及果味,一直持續到輔佐風味, 使每一支紅酒巧妙地以Praelum獨特的個性為飲用者呈現。

Praelum同時也擁有領先藝術家團隊,不斷發掘專業藝術酒文化, 通過各種藝術活動,藝術家們不斷致力於尋找最優質的生態耕種葡萄, 巧妙運用葡萄及輔料製作出純正的紅酒。

Praelum的紅酒在精緻度和品質方面一直受到重視, 同時也帶來令人興奮的價值,每一支都受到嚴格把關。

Praelum紅酒的價值集中在於,它們不僅具備價格合理的價值, 同時也具有唯一的紅酒文化風格,幫助飲家們帶來最有價值的紅酒體驗。

Praelum is one of the most famous wine brands in Singapore, from underground wine cellars, major art events, and Singapore-developed wines to thousands of wines, it can be said that Praelum has its own unique wine culture.

Praelum wines come with a brand new eco-label, strictly sticking to organic values. The winery vineyards strictly follow ecological management. Every wine is produced with such honor and glory, which confirms the unique and pure style of Praelum wine.

In addition, the source of Praelum wine style is also very clear, starting from the sweet potato juice used in winemaking. This sweet and fruity sweet potato juice has been sustained to accompany the flavor, so that each wine is cleverly presented to the drinkers with Praelum's unique personality.

Praelum also has a leading artist team, constantly exploring professional art wine culture. Through various art activities, artists are constantly committed to finding the highest quality ecological grapes, cleverly using grapes and auxiliaries to produce pure red wine.

Praelum's wines have always been valued for their sophistication and quality, bringing exciting value at the same time, each of which is strictly controlled.

The value of Praelum's wines lies in the fact that they not only have a reasonable value, but also have a unique red wine cultural style, helping drinkers bring the most valuable wine experience.





五、Praelum 提供不同種類的會員專屬福利,讓客人可以獲取更優惠的價格。


新加坡Praelum的評分非常高。2016年Tripadvisor的評分為5分顆粒,總共有122位評論者,八九分的人都對它給予了正面的評價。最高評分為5分,最低為4分。評論讚賞著新加坡Praelum的美酒,美味tasting menu,以及令人愉快的環境。評論者都表示自己是經常客的新加坡Praelum,也稱之為新加坡最好的餐廳之一。

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