The Tiong Bahru Club

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2672
57 Eng Hoon Street, #01-08 Block 57, 新加坡 160057
6438 0168
The Tiong Bahru Club is a unique and popular tourist destination located in Singapore. It is a luxurious club that provides guests with an array of activities and services. The club is situated in the heart of the city and often regarded as one of the most desirable places to stay in Singapore. It is also a popular destination for entertainment, events and meetings.

The Tiong Bahru Club is known for its unique and luxurious setting. It offers guests an exclusive experience by providing high quality accommodation, modern amenities, and elegant décor. The club has different categories of rooms including luxurious suites, deluxe rooms, villas, and rooftop terraces. Guests can also enjoy leisure and recreational activities like golf, spa, and even swimming pools. The club also has a private gym and a modern hairdressing salon.

The Tiong Bahru Club has a unique offering of restaurants, bars and lounges. With a variety of options for Asian, continental and western cuisines, the club has something for everyone's taste. Specialties include international steakhouse and sushi bar. Guests can also enjoy private dining rooms and special events.

The Tiong Bahru Club is an excellent value for the money. The services and amenities offered are of excellent quality and the staff are friendly and accommodating. It is also a great place to hold events as the club offers a wide range of facilities including a ballroom, meeting rooms, and a boardroom. 

The Tiong Bahru Club is a must-visit destination for anyone looking for a unique and luxurious experience in Singapore. Whether you're here for a special event, vacation, or just for a lively night out, the club has something to offer. With its exclusive offerings, outstanding services, and quality amenities, The Tiong Bahru Club is a destination that will be sure to satisfy all your expectations.

1. The Tiong Bahru Club is a members-only social club located in Singapore. 
2. The club strives to provide its members with a social and recreational atmosphere that includes a range of activities and amenities. 
3. The Tiong Bahru Club offers a range of services, including a library, games room, craft room, and a cafe. 
4. The club also hosts regular events for its members, such as music and art performances, movie screenings, and other activities. 
5. The club also offers its members an exclusive membership package that includes discounts on tickets to some of the city’s events and attractions, as well as access to exclusive offers and discounts from select vendors. 
6. Furthermore, the club is actively involved in the local community, often organizing and hosting community events. 
7. The Tiong Bahru Club aims to promote a vibrant and diverse social environment and to help its members foster a sense of belonging and a strong sense of community.

新加坡The Tiong Bahru Club受到許多顧客的好評。他們都提到這家酒吧擁有純正的特色,提供友好及專業的服務,環境乾淨舒適,是一個不錯的地方過一個輕鬆愉快的晚上。很多顧客也讚揚他們的食物太棒了,每次都會吃得飽飽的,食物又新鮮可口。另外,他們也讚揚他們的珍饈餐牌,特別是美味的港式食物和日本料理,讓消費者可以為自己和家人的味蕾帶來新的驚喜。另一方面,他們也很推崇The Tiong Bahru Club的娛樂活動,經常有樂隊出現,讓顧客非常愉快,而且他們也可以每晚在這裡欣賞不同的表演。

🏟 旭日料理 日本料理(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區興中一路139號
🏟 屋瑪早午餐(次):111台灣台北市士林區德行東路182號
🏟 四目食堂(次):No. 600 811, 德民路楠梓區高雄市台灣 811
🏟 三隻傻雞海南雞專賣店(次):412台灣台中市大里區德芳路二段21號
🏟 遠東蚵仔煎(次):200台灣基隆市仁愛區孝四路1號
🏟 六六順(次):403台灣台中市西區南屯路一段19號
🏟 溫洲大餛飩麵牛肉麵(次):235台灣新北市中和區景平路593號
🏟 鏡銘素食(次):403台灣台中市西區忠義街6號
🏟 手刀串燒(次):802台灣高雄市苓雅區青年二路57號
🏟 鮮炸(次):300台灣新竹市香山區瑞光街17號
🏟 邱阿舍水牛麵 - 餃盡腦汁 手工水餃(次):338台灣桃園市蘆竹區南崁路76號
🏟 韓屋村-海苔燒飯捲(次):722台灣台南市佳里區文化路264號
🏟 宜蘭 鍋燒食坊(次):260台灣宜蘭縣宜蘭市中華路73號
🏟 Djade Garden Restaur(次):48 Boon Lay Way, 新加坡 609961
🏟 TASTY西堤三峽學成店(次):237台灣新北市三峽區學成路398號
🏟 呷尚保(次):號, No. 30中正南路羅東鎮宜蘭縣台灣 265
🏟 劉媽媽餅舖(次):116台灣台北市文山區興隆路四段31號
🏟 The Origin Specialty(次):600台灣嘉義市西區力行街15號
🏟 Ofiber 歐菲栢光復店(次):10695台灣台北市大安區光復南路398號
🏟 Tai Mei Mei Thai Res(次):Shop 7B, G/F, Hip Wo Mansion, 26 Aldrich Street,, Shau Kei Wan, Shau K
🏟 來福星花園大飯店(次):334台灣桃園市八德區東勇街276號
🏟 雞腿飯牛肉麵餛飩麵(次):654台灣雲林縣四湖鄉延平北路9-2號號
🏟 羴德生料理,請提前來電先訂位,目前暫停中(次):973台灣花蓮縣吉安鄉南海五街118號
🏟 米花停(次):406台灣台中市北屯區北平路四段2號
🏟 鴻利台川菜館(次):108台灣台北市萬華區和平西路三段212號