Chiu Lung Dim Sum

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2456
香港長沙灣Cheung Sha Wan 青山道475號地下(聯邦廣場)
2274 7441
The Chiu Lung Dim Sum  is a Hong Kong-style dim sum restaurant famous for its quality and old-style charm. Since its founding in the 1960s, it has been a favorite spot among locals and tourists alike. The restaurant is especially popular for weekend brunch.

The restaurant is best known for its traditional style dim sums. The dim sums are incredibly flavorful and made with high-quality ingredients. All dishes are prepared with the utmost care and attention to detail. The taste of the dishes is truly unique and it's almost like tasting a little piece of Hong Kong's past. You can find classic steamed dim sum such as char siu bao, har gow, and siu mai, as well as deep-fried dim sum like chiu chow dumplings and turnip cakes.

The Chiu Lung Dim Sum also offers a variety of Chinese dishes such as congee and noodles that can be enjoyed with the dim sum. The restaurant also provides a traditional Hong Kong-style tea service, which includes Congou, Puer, and Oolong teas.

The restaurant is not only known for its food but also for its service. The staff is extremely friendly and accommodating, making it a pleasant place to eat. The restaurant is also known for its reasonable prices.

The Chiu Lung Dim Sum is an excellent place to experience a classic Hong Kong-style dim sum experience. Its traditional flavors, careful preparation, and friendly service make it an excellent value. Whether you're a local or a tourist, you'll enjoy the experience of eating here.

Chiu Lung Dim Sum烹飪法以傳統粵菜為基底,結合創新手法,注重食材的質素感受。 條例如下:

一、Chiu Lung Dim Sum烹飪法以傳統粵菜為基底,透過對食材的精心挑選和搭配,精心烹調出獨特口味。



四、Chiu Lung Dim Sum以新鮮食材、獨特調味料,完美的烘烤成應有的口感和口味,令消費者一口接一口。

- 視覺上食物有色,口味也很不錯。
- 菜色變化多,新鮮度好、食材也新鮮又好吃。
- 質素高、清湯好喝,服務也很友好。
- 比其他餐廳更有價格優勢,吃到飽而且有價格保證。
- 加料都不錯,粥也都很好喝,口感圓潤甘甜,一定很讚。
- 高品質美食、環境也很好,推薦給大家。

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