Caffe Pastore

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2684
144 Upper Bukit Timah Rd, 新加坡 588177

Caffe Pastore is a Singapore-based cafe located at North Bridge Road in the City Centre. The cafe is known for its unique Italian inspired menu and for its warm and inviting atmosphere. 

The menu at Caffe Pastore features a variety of traditional Italian dishes like focaccia bread, a typical Tuscan tomato and mozzarella sandwich, and homemade gelato. The cafe also offers a selection of fresh pastries, cakes, and coffee beverages including cappuccino, latte, and espresso. 

In addition to its food and drink offerings, Caffe Pastore offers a relaxing environment with its cozy interior. The cafe features comfortable leather chairs and plush couches, creating an inviting atmosphere to enjoy a cup of coffee or snack. The cafe also has a vibrant art wall showcasing different artists, offering an interesting cultural experience for patrons. 

For those looking to experience authentic Italian food and culture, Caffe Pastore is the perfect place to visit. From the delicious food on the menu to the inviting atmosphere, Caffe Pastore offers a unique dining experience that can’t be found anywhere else.


1. “如果你在新加坡,Caffe Pastore是一個必須去的地方!我們停在這裡去品嚐它令人回味的食物,她做得非常好,它的服務也非常友好。每次我來新加坡,都會在這裡吃午飯或晚飯,因為它的食物都很美味!”

2. “可能是新加坡最好的歐陸餐廳之一!每次來Caffe Pastore都能品嚐到新鮮和美味的食物。他們的咖啡也非常棒,而且服務人員都很友好。這個地方也非常有趣,我們喜歡他們的氣氛。”

3. “Caffe Pastore是新加坡最棒的餐廳之一。他們的食物總是新鮮可口,而且服務人員也非常友善和熱情。我們每次在這裡都能享受到一個完美的飲食體驗!”

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