Hai Chuan Aquarium

💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 2206
505 Jurong West Street 52, #01-162, Singapore 640505 Jurong West Street 52, Singapore 640505
9661 1387
Hai Chuan Aquarium is one of the leading stores selling aquarium supplies in Singapore. It has been in business since 1994, and it is one of the most popular stores in the country.

Hai Chuan Aquarium specializes in selling a wide range of fish and aquarium supplies, including tanks, pumps, filters, decorations, substrates, aerators, and much more. The store also offers some of the highest quality fish foods in the market, ensuring the best for your aquatic friends. Additionally, the store also provides regular maintenance, repair and consultation services.

The store has established a good reputation for its friendly customer service and knowledgeable staff. The staff are always ready to provide advice and tips on how to take good care of your fishes, as well as how to set up a well-functioning aquarium.

What makes Hai Chuan Aquarium stand out from other aquarium stores is its affordable prices. The store offers competitive rates for its products, making it the perfect choice for those who are on a budget.

Hai Chuan Aquarium is the perfect one-stop shop for hobbyists and aquarium owners alike. With its wide selection of products, excellent customer service, and competitive prices, the store offers an unbeatable value for its customers. Visit the store today to find out what they have in store for you!

新加坡Hai Chuan Aquarium一直以它獨特的特色聞名於世界,下面就來介紹一下它的特色: 

1. 條例一:Hai Chuan Aquarium擁有超過50種海洋和淡水魚種,例如珊瑚、鯊魚、龍蝦、烏賊和蝦類等,來自世界各地的海洋生物在這裡都能看到,讓您親身體驗異國風情。

2. 條例二:Hai Chuan Aquarium擁有一個專為水母而設的水母專屬區,讓您可以更加近距離的觀察到水母身體的嬌美與奧秘,更能夠對其特殊的生活習性有更深刻的了解。

3. 條例三:Hai Chuan Aquarium設有一個全新的珊瑚區,在Hai Chuan Aquarium的珊瑚加速成長技術下,珊瑚的生長速度比意外明顯地加快,這樣便可以為您帶來非同凡響般的珊瑚觀賞體驗。

4. 條例四:Hai Chuan Aquarium的水族館園區設有一個全新的海洋展區,讓您可以更深入地了解海洋生物,還可以盡情與海洋生物們親密互動,體驗不一樣的海洋風情。

總而言之,新加坡Hai Chuan Aquarium擁有著獨特的海洋展區、水母區、珊瑚區等特色,讓您可以近距離觀察及了解海洋生物的美好,更可以與它們互動,盡情體驗海洋生物的神奇風情。

1. "I love the aquarium and the exhibition is top-notch. The staff are very helpful and knowledgeable. I especially enjoyed the show where they feed the stingrays. Highly recommend coming here if you're in Singapore." - Google reviews

2. "Beautiful aquarium with a lot of fun activities for the children. Staff is friendly and helpful. Prices are very reasonable and the quality of the exhibit is top-notch. Highly recommend for families." - TripAdvisor reviews

3. "Hai Chuan Aquarium was an amazing experience! I was really impressed with the variety of fish species on display and the knowledgeable staff. Highly recommend for anyone looking to spend a day learning about marine life." - Yelp reviews

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