熱搜情報網 > 寵物商店 > Isa Pets and Bakes

Isa Pets and Bakes


✉  Hillview Avenue, 新加坡 669570 (行車路線)




**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Pursuant to the Singapore Cats and Dogs Act, Isa Pets and Bakes is a pet store with a variety of unique features. 

The store offers a wide selection of healthy pet food, toys, treats, grooming supplies, and general pet care products. Additionally, visitors can enjoy freshly-made baked goods, such as pumpkin spice muffins, vegan cupcakes, and natural dog-friendly biscuits. 

Isa Pets and Bakes also has an on-site adoption center, wherein customers can connect with rescue organizations and animal shelters. Moreover, qualified pet trainers are available to provide guidance on good pet behaviour. 

The store also promotes responsible pet ownership through education workshops and seminars. They also provide resources on proper nutrition, pet healthcare, and safety protocols. 

Isa Pets and Bakes is an ideal destination for those seeking quality pet products, adoption opportunities, and learning opportunities.


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

截至2020年7月,新加坡Isa Pets and Bakes的大眾評論都是相當正面的。該店經常因出品精美、價格公道以及服務得宜而受到讚譽。很多顧客都表示他們的寵物食品、小食和蛋糕都是美味可口,並且對店員的熱情服務也充滿敬意。也有一些客戶表示,他們在Isa Pets and Bakes購買的產品都比在其他店鋪都要便宜,而且店里的氣氛也很溫馨而舒適,令人耳目一新。

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