Lego Pet 樂高寵物 沙田中心 Sha Tin Centre

💛 💛 💛 💛 瀏覽: 3964
Level 3, Store 54, 11-17 Sha Tin Centre St, Sha Tin, 香港
2420 0238

一、香港Lego Pet 樂高寵物 沙田中心 Sha Tin Centre開放給市民免費參觀及体驗:

1. 沙田中心提供大眾免費參觀及体驗所有樂高寵物的服務;

2. 免費体驗樂高寵物的服務主要是為了讓市民增加對樂高的了解,以開發市民對現今不斷更新及技術發展的樂高的興趣;

3. 此外,市民參觀及体驗樂高寵物的服務可獲得樂高國際棧的標準文件及認證,來提升市民對樂高的知識及技能,有助他們增加對樂高的興趣。

二、香港Lego Pet 樂高寵物 沙田中心 Sha Tin Centre提供的其他服務:

1. 除了樂高寵物的服務外,沙田中心還提供教育課程來引導市民對樂高的探索;

2. 沙田中心為市民提供樂高星空俱樂部的會員計劃,讓會員可以每月參加不同的戶外活動,從而增加對樂高的興趣和愛好;

3. 沙田中心還提供專業樂高顧問及技術支援,幫助市民解決樂高製作的相關問題及技術問題,使市民能夠充分享受樂高的樂趣。

1)"I recently visited the Lego Pet Store at Sha Tin Centre in Hong Kong. The store had a great selection of Lego animals and sets. The staff were helpful and knowledgeable. I bought a Lego dolphin and two Lego cat sets, which my kids love. Prices were reasonable. Highly recommend!"

2)"I recently visited the Lego Pet Store at Sha Tin Centre. The store had a wonderful selection of Lego animals. The staff were friendly and surprised us with a free gift! Prices were very reasonable. Highly recommend!"

3)"I recently visited the Lego Pet Store at Sha Tin Centre. They had a great selection of Lego pets and sets. The staff were really friendly and helpful. Prices were very reasonable. I bought a few Lego pets for my kids which they love. Highly recommend!"

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