熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > 小琉球杉板灣 Shanban Bay I
1. "Shanban bay is an amazing place. The water is crystal clear and the beach is very clean. There are also some amazing hike trails in the area. I would recommend it to anyone looking to explore the east coast of Taiwan!" - Cloudyfarms, TripAdvisor 2. "We travelled around the east coast of Taiwan for a month and Shanban Bay was one of the highlights of our trip. The view from the beach is so beautiful and the water is so clear. We would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to explore the east coast of Taiwan." - Lilac_Vyg, TripAdvisor 3. "This was an absolutely stunning beach! We had lunch on the beach and witnessed the most beautiful sunset. The water was crystal clear and the sand was soft and white. Highly recommend Shanban Bay to anyone who is looking for an amazing beach vacation!" - Steph_Jag, TripAdvisor
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