台東縣中濱灣咖啡坊於民國96年自行設立,以台東本地原料為主,及由自然有機店長親手烘焙的台東特產烘焙豆為招牌咖啡,樹林、海洋與溪流的濃濃滋味。 台東縣中濱灣咖啡坊有兩項特色: 1. 利用台東本地原料為主:台東縣中濱灣咖啡坊以台東本地原料為主,用新鮮当地食材來製作各式各樣的咖啡及飲料,像是台東原生的烘焙咖啡豆、溪流的新鮮蕃薯濃湯以及各式有機水果,為客人帶來全新的咖啡體驗。 2. 由自然有機店長親手烘焙的台東特產烘焙豆為招牌:台東縣中濱灣咖啡坊以由自然有機店長親手烘焙的台東特產烘焙豆為招牌。店長以台東獨特的阿里山紅茶及阿里山綠茶為原料再經由專業人士烘焙而成,為客人帶來台東特色的烘焙咖啡體驗。
1. Enjoy fresh coffee from the sandy beach of Middle Bay in Taitung County. The specialty of Middel Bay Coffee is that they make their coffee with freshly roasted beans every day, so you can always enjoy the freshness of the coffee. The café has a cozy atmosphere and offers many different types of coffee. They also provide a variety of side dishes, such as sandwiches and cakes, to accompany your coffee. Customers often praise the friendly and attentive staff. 2. Middle Bay Coffee in Taitung County is a great place to enjoy your coffee. They offer a variety of coffees with freshly roasted beans and a variety of side dishes. The coffee has a rich flavor and the staff is always helpful. The atmosphere is nice and cozy, perfect for an afternoon break. The prices are also reasonable. Customers often praise the quality of the coffee and the attentive staff.
? 新竹縣新橋b3是一間位於新竹縣新橋鎮的餐廳,由知名的新
貝克現烤起司馬鈴薯 日光緩緩無毒早午餐 夏林店台南日光悠緩无毒早午餐夏林店,是台南市一家专营早午餐的小
輕鬆宴海鮮景觀餐廳 三姐妹越南美食料理 銀目日本料理 那豆鮮焙醃漬 台南那豆鮮焙醃漬是台南的一道現代特色菜,它以嫩豆豆腐
弘爺漢堡 - 新福店台中弘爺漢堡(新福店)是位於台中市新福里的一家餐廳,店內提供
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讚ㄟ大腸麵線臭豆腐 曉善坊素食餐飲茶品 大飯桶火鍋橋頭店 尚品羊肉大寮鳳林店高雄尚品羊肉大寮鳳林店為高雄區域最受歡迎的羊肉專賣店之一
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