Located in the heart of Taoyuan City, 金翠牛肉麵 is an authentic Taiwanese beef noodle restaurant. Specializing in traditional Taiwanese Beef noodle recipe, 金翠牛肉麵 has been a popular destination for over a decade, offering genuine flavours and quality to locals and tourists alike. This restaurant offers a truly unique experience, starting from the rustic interior design. With the look and feel of a traditional Taiwanese market, the restaurant captures the essence of Taiwan's rich cultural heritage. Upon entering the restaurant, customers are greeted with the aroma of sizzling beef and an array of traditional Taiwanese dishes. 金翠牛肉麵's signature dish is the traditional Taiwanese Beef Noodle soup. Exceptionally flavourful and hearty, this is a favourite of locals and tourists alike, who swear by its rich and delicious taste. However, they also offer other choice dishes, such as Chinese dumplings, mapo tofu, dry noodles, and a variety of noodle soups. All these dishes are made using fresh ingredients and the highest quality beef, which adds to the flavours and the overall authenticity of the food. 金翠牛肉麵's real value lies in its genuine traditional Taiwanese recipes and its commitment to quality ingredients. With a focus on traditional recipes and a dedication to providing customers with the freshest and best quality ingredients, 金翠牛肉麵 offers diners an experience unlike any other. Their prices are also very reasonable, with entire dishes ranging from NT 350 to 500, making it a great option for budget travellers. To sum up, 金翠牛肉麵 is a great choice for a truly authentic and delicious Taiwanese meal. With an emphasis on tradition and quality, and very reasonable prices, this restaurant is a must-visit for anyone in Taoyuan City.**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
桃園市金翠牛肉麵擁有多樣的特色: 一、該店採用獨特的台式炸牛肉麵做法,保證新鮮肉質,香氣十足。 二、該店的湯頭添加了特殊的調料和高品質的蔬菜,獨特的口味深受消費者的歡迎。 三、該店提供放題醬汁,可供消費者根據自己偏好自由調配,打造獨特的口味。 四、該店提供免費的玉米湯供消費者飲用,增加口感多樣性。 五、該店的價格低廉,消費者可以吃到美味的牛肉麵,兼顧實惠。
1. 味道很棒,精緻之餘又不失原汁原味,肉片口感也讓人滿意,非常棒! 2. 吃了很大一碗牛肉麵,很美味,牛肉也很新鮮,湯頭也很濃郁,感覺特別好! 3. 金翠牛肉麵很值得一試,湯頭很厚實,牛肉又肥又新鮮,吃起來非常棒! 4. 找到金翠牛肉麵好像有一點難度,但一到了,驚豔了,湯頭的濃郁度有點太有口感了,而且肉麵也很精緻又好吃! 5. 吃了金翠牛肉麵,覺得湯頭稍濃,牛肉質地也很好,值得嘗試!
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