熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Hobo好堡美式餐飲
You can find Hobo's American-style dining in Kaohsiung. Hobo is a casual restaurant and bar concept located in Kaohsiung's hotel corridor, along with a variety of American-style dishes. The restaurant's name comes from the Hobo sign, which is found in the American Wild West, depicting the idea of traveling and freedom. The restaurant offers a variety of classic American-style dishes such as burgers, nachos, fries and sandwiches. The main star of the menu is their classic homestyle hamburger, made from a homemade bun, succulent roast beef, cheese and fresh lettuce and tomato. They also offer a range of sides including onion rings, coleslaw and potato wedges. In addition to their savory offerings, Hobo also has a range of desserts and beverages including milkshakes, pies and ice cream. The atmosphere at Hobo is warm and friendly, and the restaurant has a great selection of music playing. The staff is also welcoming and friendly.**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
高雄Hobo好堡美式餐飲堅持遵守傳統製作技藝,以下是他們的特色: 一、Hobo好堡的汉堡肉片是用自製的配方,只採用最新鮮的牛肉,並且經過特殊的烤製程序,讓每塊肉片嚐起來都充滿香味。 二、高雄Hobo好堡所用的水果與蔬菜都是用最新鮮的原料挑選出來的,並且都是以手工製作的方式烹調而成,讓顧客能夠享用到最新鮮的美食。 三、高雄Hobo好堡特別推出口味獨特的汉堡醬料,不僅獨特又充滿味道,更加營養,是一款受到廣大客戶歡迎的菜品。 四、高雄Hobo好堡提供口味多樣的甜品,例如:抹茶冰淇淋、果凍、草莓酸奶冰淇淋等,每一款都有不同口味,讓顧客可以一試多層次的口感。
、服務 Located in Woodlands in S
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