熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr

Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr

Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr is a business based in Singapore which specializes in providing top-quality and fresh fruits to the customer. It was founded by a team of professionals that have extensive experience in the fresh fruits industry, and are committed to delivering exceptional customer satisfaction. 

The business stocks a vast selection of fruits ranging from exotic tropical fruit to local favourites. Customers can expect quality fruits that are freshly picked and packed on the day of purchase. All of their products are sourced from trusted local growers and are free from chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The team also offers free delivery with orders above a certain amount. 

Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr places great emphasis on customer service, offering helpful advice and providing recommendations to customers on the freshest fruits available. The staff are friendly, knowledgeable and strive to go above and beyond to meet customer needs. The team is also available to help with the recipients of the fruits, ensuring they look the best in their gift baskets. 

Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr believes in providing value-for-money to their customers, so they make sure that their prices are kept as low as possible without compromising on quality. Customers can get even better value by taking advantage of the special discounts and deals that the business offers throughout the year. 

In conclusion, Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr is a business that provides top-quality and fresh fruits to their customers at an affordable price. They believe in providing the best customer service and value-for-money and are committed to helping their customers get the most out of their purchase.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  449 Clementi Ave 3, 新加坡 120449 (行車路線)




**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

新加坡Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr提供一種全新體驗,將提供區域人民手作新鮮果汁:

第一條:Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr提供的所有鮮果汁皆為新鮮切割並立即為客戶製作。

第二條:Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr所有新鮮果汁為客戶提供最原汁原味的原料、製作方法和配料。

第三條:Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr會根據季節提供和時常更新果汁菜單,以滿足不斷變化的客戶需求。

第四條:Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr為客戶提供果汁的獨特抗氧化功效,能促進健康。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

大多數評論者對新加坡Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr的服務和產品評價都相當正面,用戶表示對他們的水果滿意度很高。他們的水果新鮮可口,保證質量。水果的价格也很合理,比較低廉,只少的用戶抱怨過水果价格有時過高。服務與友好,总的來說,新加坡Jin Mun Ti Fruits Tr的服務和商品质量都得到了用戶的正面評價。




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