熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > 精采南洋風味廚房 Amazing Sou

精采南洋風味廚房 Amazing Sou

TaiTung County's quaint and charming South-Pacific-inspired Amazing Sou Kitchen is a favorite destination for many local chefs and food lovers. The restaurant is renowned for its unique and savory dishes, combining traditional Taiwan flavors with modern international influence.

The menu features a variety of appetizers, main dishes, and desserts, allowing diners to enjoy a wide selection of culinary delights. Start off with some of the delicious appetizers such as the spicy prawns, crispy spring rolls, and grilled croquettes. Move on to the main courses, which include a selection of fresh seafood like Sha-cho, pork steak with sweet bean sauce, and pickled mustard greens.

Finish off with some of Amazing Sou's signature desserts such as the signature sesame cake, red bean ice cream, and taro & pandan cake. This amazing combination of flavors will surely delight both the palate and the senses.

At Amazing Sou, the generous portions are reasonably priced, and the staff are friendly and helpful. Most importantly, this restaurant makes sure to only use high-quality ingredients, ensuring that each dish is made with care and attention.

In addition, the relaxed atmosphere and stunning views of the bay make it the perfect spot to spend a day with friends. It's a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and savor some delicious food while taking in the stunning scenery.

To conclude, Amazing Sou Kitchen is an incredible destination for anyone looking to enjoy some delicious, freshly made dishes in a comfortable and cozy environment. With its high-quality ingredients, friendly service, and stunning view, this restaurant is sure to deliver a unique and unforgettable dining experience.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  950台灣台東縣台東市新生路65號 (行車路線)


☎ 08 932 2890  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

台東縣精采南洋風味廚房Amazing Sou的特色,有以下條例:

一、Amazing Sou在料理上提供了多元化的選擇,無論是清淡的中式料理,還是熱騰騰的東南亞料理,都是美味可口,讓客人在品嚐料理的同時拓展口味視野。

二、Amazing Sou還提供會場佈置服務。不論是婚禮、生日派對或是商務聚會,Amazing Sou的專業會場佈置團隊會為客人帶來完美的會場佈置,讓活動更加完美。

三、Amazing Sou堅持新鮮食材堅持堅持新鮮食材,由台東境內的專業團隊負責上菜,所有料理都保證新鮮、口感細緻、美味。

四、Amazing Sou提供專業的客製化服務,可以根據客人對料理的喜好,提供專屬於客人的客製化料理菜單。

五、Amazing Sou內新鮮食材的運用,令台東精采的南洋風味更加強烈,讓客人在享受美味的同時,也能體驗到最精采的台東南洋料理風味。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. Tripadvisor 評分 5/5


2. 半導體人生評分 4.5/5


台東 台菜

台東餐廳 包廂

台東 拿手菜餐廳


台東 中式 餐廳

家常菜 台東

池上 合菜餐廳

台東 私房菜





、口袋名單 桃園市隨緣北埔麵攤是位於桃園市中心的一家有名的


。 阿吉原汁牛肉麵是彰化縣員林鎮著名的飲食店,地理位置位於

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廠 台南早安美芝城活力永康南工廠位於台南市永康區,建築於2


