熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Jia Minced Meat Nood
Jia minced meat noodle is a Hong Kong style noodle shop located in Singapore. It provides delicious and traditional Hong Kong flavors with a modern twist. The shop specializes in wok-fried noodles, rice noodles, and congee with a variety of toppings, such as pork, beef, seafood, vegetables, and more. The shop's signature dish is its minced meat noodles, which is a combination of succulent and tender pork, beef, and vegetables, in a light and fragrant sauce. Customers can customize their noodle experience by choosing different ingredients, such as adding bean sprouts, pork belly, or fish balls, to add texture and flavor. For vegetarians, the shop also offers delectable vegetarian options. The shop also serves a variety of side dishes, such as kimchi, pickled vegetables, pork rib soup, and more. All the dishes and ingredients used in the shop are fresh and of high quality. Customers have the option to choose their own noodles and customize the flavor of their dish. The shop's value lies in its excellent customer service and high quality food. Customers can expect to be warmly welcomed and cared for while they enjoy their meal. The staff is always eager to provide helpful advice and make sure that customers have a pleasant dining experience. The prices are reasonable, so it is perfect for those on a budget. Overall, Jia minced meat noodle is an excellent choice for a delicious and affordable meal. Whether you are an adventurous foodie or someone looking for a traditional flavors of Hong Kong, Jia minced meat noodle will leave you with a unforgettable and tasty experience.**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
1. 新加坡Jia Minced Meat Nood是以傳統及古法製作的。 2. 它的特點是采用有機純正的新鮮紅肉及蝦餡餅製成,這使得它口感紮實而美味可口。 3. 餅皮軟嫩無比,內餡口感肉質濃縮細膩,帶有淡淡的傳統味道。 4. 配以少許醬汁,口感十足,滋味十足,令食客在口中回味無窮。
Foursquare網上評論: 「Jia Minced Meat Nood 真的很棒!這家店裡的面有多種口味,每一款都非常好吃。服務也很棒,客人可以自己料理,又可以配上菜色和醬汁,總共提供給客戶多種選擇!」 TripAdvisor網上評論: 「Jia Minced Meat Nood的面條和配菜都非常美味!店家也非常有禮貌,讓整個用餐過程十分愉快。價格也很合理,每次都會吃到新鮮又美味的食物。」
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