熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Shing Fat Restaurant

Shing Fat Restaurant


Shing Fat Restaurant是位於香港的大型餐廳,主要提供潮州和粵菜,於1973年由Shing Fat西餐廳創始建立,至今已有近50年的歷史。

Shing Fat Restaurant的特色是以提供多樣精緻的粵菜為主, 不但有煲仔飯、燒賣、灌湯包、蠔油皇蝦等傳統港式小食,還有龍利、蜜汁烤豬腳、明蝦、蟹籽炒軟絲、香茶蝦球、醋汁炒牛柳等精緻菜式。其中餐牌上最出名的菜式是龍利,這道菜有半腥半甜的口感,搭配湯汁後更香濃、細膩,令客人回味無窮。

另外,Shing Fat Restaurant每日烹調新鮮美味的菜式,採用當季蔬菜,加上肉類的搭配,撒上與烹調匯聚而成的醬汁,使菜餚精緻又美味,搭配肉類,更讓美味煥然一新。

Shing Fat Restaurant的價值,在於它的菜式精緻、份量充足,但價格卻不要太高,在香港確更受歡迎。它的價格可親民,量足食物美味,又有傳統及特色菜式,更能滿足客人的口味及價格需求,而且菜式為近50年來一直保持它的品質,令每一個客人都能吃到最好的美食。
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  香港牛池灣清水灣道45號 (行車路線)


☎ 2751 6576  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Shing Fat Restaurant, located in the heart of Hong Kong, serves a variety of traditional Chinese dishes to the people of Hong Kong. Established in the early 1900s, the restaurant has been a staple of local cuisine since then.

Shing Fat Restaurant has been a leader in the area for several decades, featuring its signature dishes such as wonton noodles, roast pork, and hot pot. These dishes are prepared using traditional recipes and techniques to give guests a taste of the past, making it a unique restaurant in the city.

The restaurant also offers a wide range of local and international dishes, such as dim sum, Chinese pork buns, and sesame chicken. The menu is constantly being refreshed to keep up with the latest trends in food, making it a great place to experience new flavors and dishes.

The atmosphere of the restaurant is warm and inviting, making it an ideal location for a family dinner or an evening out with friends. The restaurant also offers catering services for large gatherings and parties, making it the perfect place to host a memorable event.

Shing Fat Restaurant is a unique place to experience traditional Chinese cuisine with a modern twist. With its signature dishes, constantly changing menu, and warm atmosphere, it is a one-of-a-kind location in Hong Kong.


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. 「它提供了新鮮和可口的傳統食品。令人興奮的是它的價格合理,食物種類多樣。」


3.「香港Shing Fat Restaurant精心烹製的各種可口中餐種類,讓我整個人都爽翻。服務速度也十分快捷,對於一個家庭來說是一個優良的選擇。」




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