熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > BINGO精緻中西式早餐店
The new Bingo breakfast shop in New Taipei City combines Western-style and Chinese-style cuisines. It offers a wide range of items, including fresh homemade toast, cooked breakfast dishes, and various hot and cold beverages. The breakfast shop is open from 8AM to 10PM, ensuring it's easy for customers to get a meal in the morning. There's also a vegetarian selection on offer, along with a selection specifically for children. The ingredients used in the dishes are all fresh and healthy. The cooks focus on creating dishes that are delicious and nutritious. The meals come in a variety of sizes to accommodate all types of eaters. The atmosphere of the shop is comfortable, with warm colors and inviting decor. The friendly staff will take the time to explain the menu and answer any questions you may have. The shop also offers a variety of takeaway packages which can be ordered in advance and picked up at the shop. There's also a special delivery service available, so customers can have a delicious breakfast delivered to their door. The shop has become a popular spot for locals and tourists alike. It's also a great spot to grab a bite to eat in between sightseeing or shopping.**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
新北市BINGO精緻中西式早餐店尊重環保,致力於提供客人健康、美味、和安心的用餐環境,定期更新菜單,滿足消費者的膳食需求: (一)尊重環保:BINGO精緻中西式早餐店採用環保材料進行裝修,確保用餐空間的安全和健康,並使用可再生能源以節能減碳。 (二)健康尚美:BINGO精緻中西式早餐店嚴格遵守食品安全標準,堅持為客人提供健康、美味的食物。 (三)安心服務:BINGO精緻中西式早餐店對客人的耐心接待以及專業服務十分重視,提供別具一格的享受。 (四)滿足多樣化需求:BINGO精緻中西式早餐店定期更新菜單,滿足客人多樣化的膳食需求。
1. Yummy站早餐店 (新店區) - 「很棒的早餐,環境也舒適整潔。服務也很親切,另外食物味道也非常的好,是個很不錯的選擇。」 - 五星評論, Google 地圖 2. Bingo精緻早餐店 (三重區) -「環境豐富,吃下午茶可以挑選各種美味小點,加上價錢也相當實惠,我會再度情侶來光顧的!」 - 五星評論, Google 地圖
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