熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > Fragrance Foodstuff

Fragrance Foodstuff


Fragrance Foodstuff is a Singaporean-based food provider that offers a wide range of food products and services. Founded in 2003 by Mr. Kenneth Goh, Fragrance Foodstuff has since developed into a reputable business that provides all kinds of catering and food products. The company is known for its outstanding quality, amazing value, and excellent service.

Fragrance Foodstuff offers a wide range of products, from fresh and frozen food, ingredients, to packaging and cooking utensils. It sources its products from local and international suppliers. That way, customers can enjoy a variety of quality products for different types of occasions.

In terms of services, Fragrance Foodstuff offers event catering, wedding banquets, buffet catering, and packing services. Furthermore, it also provides delivery services, so customers can have their orders delivered right to their doorstep.

The company prides itself in delivering consistent quality to its customers. With its strict monitoring process, Fragrance Foodstuff ensures that its products are of the highest quality. Moreover, all its ingredients are fresh, ensuring that customers get the best from the company.

Apart from that, Fragrance Foodstuff also offers amazing value. With its competitive prices, customers can enjoy the best quality products at reasonable rates. Furthermore, the company also offers special discounts for bulk orders. This ensures that customers get the best value for their money.

Finally, Fragrance Foodstuff offers excellent service. Its knowledgeable staff are always there to help and answer any questions customers might have. Furthermore, the company prides itself in delivering orders promptly and efficiently. This ensures that customers get their orders on time and in perfect condition.

In conclusion, Fragrance Foodstuff is a great provider of food products and services. Its commitment to outstanding quality, amazing value, and excellent service make it a great choice for customers.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  Block 504 Jurong West Street 51, #01-243, 新加坡 640501 (行車路線)


☎ 6563 2829  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1、新加坡Fragrance Foodstuff為新加坡廚師帶來了一個全新的美食體驗,以經典的南洋及本地烹飪技術烹製出別具特色的佳餚,同時採用新加坡当地具里料。

2、新加坡Fragrance Foodstuff致力於提供健康和安全的產品和服務,確保其食物含有最健康的成分,並嚴格遵守新加坡食品安全條例。

3、新加坡Fragrance Foodstuff致力於提供最佳顧客體驗,經常舉辦各種促銷活動以滿足客戶的要求,提供優質誠懇的服務,以及免費試吃及試品服務。

4、新加坡Fragrance Foodstuff遵守有關環保法令,以確保其環境保護性,從而保證其品質、安全、環保的食品及服務標準。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Fragrance Foodstuff是新加坡的一家大型食品公司,它以廚師對美食的傳統理解為背景,為客人提供歷史悠久的地道美食。

大眾對Fragrance Foodstuff的評論大多是正面的! 經常有客人對它的食物感到滿意,報告說他們的美食很好吃,口味非常正宗。而且,很多人還對它們的服務和歡迎氣氛滿意,認為這是一家值得光顧的地方。他們認為Fragrance Foodstuff的價格公道,適合家庭聚會,也適合單人用餐。另外,它們的食材也嚴格監控在可以接受的範圍內,因此客人也不必擔心安全和健康問題。




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