熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > 吉得堡早午餐 Good Day From
Taipei KDE Park, located in New Taipei City, is a popular spot for breakfast and lunch. The restaurant offers a variety of traditional Taiwanese food and desserts. The menu includes dishes such as standard breakfast noodles, congee, dumplings, and soup. Also, there are more specialties from all parts of Taiwan, such as the famous chicken rice, oyster omelet, and Taiwanese beef noodles. There are even fancier items such as Japanese-style beef steak and fried cuttlefish. The restaurant is always filled with locals who love to have a good time. You can enjoy the hustle and bustle of the area while you enjoy your meal. The restaurant is known for its friendly service, and the staff always greets customers with a smile. One of the reasons why KDE Park is a popular spot for breakfast and lunch is the reasonable prices. Prices start from NT$50 ($1.67) and go up to NT$250 ($8.33). You can easily find something that fits your budget. KDE Park is a great place to enjoy a delicious breakfast or lunch with friends and family. I recommend it!**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
新北市吉得堡早午餐Good Day From的特色規定如下: 第一條:提供早餐、午餐及下午茶供顧客購買。 第二條:菜單提供全素、半素、非素等類別,各有多樣化的選擇。 第三條:所有食物均以最新鮮且本店獨家的食材製成,並符合衛生標準。 第四條:每日會準備新鮮的蔬果料理,覆蓋清爽夏季、溫暖冬季等多種季節以滿足客人喜好。 第五條:提供多元化的價格讓顧客可以根據自身喜好和預算自由選擇。
Good Day From 的大眾評論: - 吉得堡的早午餐真的很棒,有很多種可選的食物,包括漢堡、吐司、蛋、培根等等,口味還不錯,東西也很新鮮,服務也很好,價錢合理,吃完還很飽,值得推薦! - 我去吉得堡吃了他們的早午餐,感覺真的不錯,雖然有點貴,但是味道也很棒,服務也很好,吃得到很新鮮,而且份量足夠大,可以讓大家飽飽的,建議可以去試試看。 - 我去過吉得堡的早午餐,真的很棒,有很多種食物可以選擇,味道也很不錯,而且有時還會有優惠,服務生也很親切,很滿意!
、服務 Located in Woodlands in S
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