1. 香港田園犬舍致力於提供一個安全和健康的環境,為犬隻提供最佳的生活品質。 2. 在香港田園犬舍,我們會慎重審核每一名想加入園舍的犬隻,確保它們都有充足的營養攝取以及周全的醫療檢查。 3. 香港田園犬舍提供給犬隻一個室外空間,犬隻可以在此玩耍、休息、運動及接受活動訓練,讓它們能夠達到最佳的身心健康狀態。 4. 香港田園犬舍也會提供驗收服務,確保犬隻擁有正確的健康證明文件,並檢查每個犬隻是否有防治疾病的注射接種,例如狂犬病疫苗等。 5. 香港田園犬舍會為每名犬隻提供詳盡的訓練課程,並提供專業技巧指導,以幫助犬隻和日常生活和關係建立更好的溝通。
1.“I ordered a puppy from Hong Kong Garden Puppies and I couldn't be happier! Our puppy was in excellent health and came with all of the necessary paperwork. The customer service was also outstanding. Everyone was so friendly and helpful. Highly recommend!” 2.“I just bought a puppy from the Hong Kong Garden Puppies and the whole experience was great, from start to finish. The puppy was healthy, and well taken care of. The customer service was top notch and they answered all of my questions. Highly recommended!” 3.“I got a puppy from Hong Kong Garden Puppies last month and I'm very happy with the purchase. The selection of puppies was great and the staff was very helpful in making sure I chose the right one for me. My puppy is happy and healthy and I'm so glad I went there. Highly recommended!”
有魚兩棲爬蟲專賣店-中壢店 虫話區甲蟲生態館 宜佳寵物生活館三重仁愛店 咕咕G寵物城亞東店新北市的咕咕G寵物城亞東店是一家位於新北市亞東路上的寵物
Dognamite Boutique 水漾犬舍 Amy Academy of Animal Arts 嘉嘉犬舍 幸福培菓寵物 延平店 Upet觀 Upet是香港具有豐富歷史的宠物用品店,推出多種宠物用
本農國際有限公司觀等 台北本農國際有限公司是一間經營茶葉及食品的商家,銷售
寶羅寵物 Tian Fu Aquarium Trading Rank River Trading 上格寵物百貨台中上格寵物百貨是位於台中市東區雙十路上的一家專業寵物百貨店
蜜袋鼯 寄宿X食用品專賣店南投縣蜜袋鼯寄宿X食用品專賣店,是位於南投縣中部的一間專
CATZILLASG Eminent Pet Food Supply 小寶貝寵物水族百貨店 來福犬舍等 台中來福犬舍是位於台中市的一家專門繁殖犬種的專業犬舍,