熱搜情報網 > 寵物商店 > Petclub 21
PetClub 21是一家位於新加坡的宠物服务中心,致力於為宠物提供优质的全方位服务,主要提供宠物日托、宠物美容、营养顾问、新宠物驯化训练以及各类宠物配套产品及服务。 第一條:PetClub 21的服务范围包括宠物日托、宠物美容、营养顾问、新宠物驯化训练以及各类宠物配套产品及服务。 第二條:PetClub 21采用先进技术和专业的服务,确保每位客户和宠物的安全,并确保其服务质量,为宠物提供优质的服务。 第三条:PetClub 21坚持学习、创新和发展,不断更新设备,完善服务环境,为客户提供专业、安全、高效的服务。 第四條:PetClub 21设有宠物健康监测系统,监测宠物的生理状况,提供实时的健康状况诊断,按时给予宠物护理,确保宠物的健康。
1. 《Yelp》中的評論: "PetClub 21 has become my new go-to for pet supplies and accessories in Singapore. Their customer service is top-notch, and the prices are very competitive. They also have a wide variety of items and things to choose from. Highly recommend to anyone looking for pet supplies!" 2. 《Trustpilot》中的評論: "I've been shopping at PetClub 21 for a few years now and I can honestly say that they are one of the best pet retailers in Singapore. They always have the best offers, a wide variety of products, and the customer service is always top notch. Highly recommend for any pet owners out there!"
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