熱搜情報網 > 寵物商店 > The Geez Group

The Geez Group


The Geez Group 是新加坡的一家成立於2008年的優質企業,我們專注於零售設計、建造和維修汽車,具有豐富的汽車銷售經驗和廣泛的售後支持經驗,我們在新加坡設有大量的零售和服務網絡,包括汽車廠家和汽車咨詢機構,滿足各種汽車需求。

The Geez Group 的主要特色是專業技術和專業服務,我們堅持我們的嚴謹品質標準以及全面的技術服務網絡,以確保所有汽車相關商品和服務都滿足品質標準和安全環境要求,提供最佳的個人消費體驗,並提供全面的技術支持和配件服務。同時,我們也致力於提供多樣化的汽車服務,包括維修、更換零件、清潔和保養,確保我們的客戶能夠使用最優質的服務,而且滿意度極高。

The Geez Group 的價值觀是尊重客戶、追求卓越、嚴格把關、感恩回饋和誠信可靠,我們自身尊重客戶,拒絕製造任何負面綜效,並致力於以最優質的服務滿足客戶的期望,提供最真實的服務和最高價值的產品。上述所有目標均將由我們的專業團隊合作完成,同時提供高品質的產品和廣泛的服務。最重要的是,我們尊重客戶,並為客戶提供最好的服務和支持,以滿足客戶的最高滿意度。
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  512 W Coast Dr, 新加坡 120512 (行車路線)


☎ 6778 5226  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. The Geez Group, a Singapore-based firm, provides comprehensive consulting services to businesses of all sizes.

2. Their services include business analysis, strategy formulation, business development and implementation, coaching and mentoring and performance management.

3. The Geez Group offer a range of benefits to its clients, including the ability to access specialist advice, access to strategic networks and a full suite of project management tools.

4. The company also offers innovative solutions to its clients such as the ability to conduct virtual meetings and tailor solutions to their specific needs.

5. As part of their commitment to quality and client satisfaction, The Geez Group has established a “Continuous Improvement Programme”, whereby they review and develop their processes and procedures in order to guarantee the highest standard of service. 

6. The company also holds regular training courses and seminars in order to further enhance the skills and knowledge of their staff. 

7. Lastly, The Geez Group places a strong emphasis on the development of relationships with their clients and have earned a reputation for providing excellent customer service.


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

The Geez Group在新加坡一直有不錯的口碑,他們專業的服務和專業的團隊讓很多客戶都滿意的,像是購物中心、餐廳、辦公室等等,都有採用他們家的服務,在社交媒體上也可以看到很多客戶的分享並對他們讚不絕口,據了解他們的產品價格也滿足客戶的要求,大眾在評論上一致滿意他們的服務。




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