1.高雄文心動物醫院秉持熱心的服務精神,以專業的醫療技術為客戶服務為宗旨,定期開設動物疾病預防保健診斷與治療,並提供膽小動物、家禽類等各種醫療診治服務。 2.高雄文心動物醫院提供獸醫各種手術服務,包括縫合、腹腔內外手術、整形外科、小動物等等,並能根據客戶需求提供定制的治療方案。 3. 高雄文心動物醫院為客戶提供專業的家畜檢驗檢測,並能發現動物身體健康情況,為客戶及客戶家中的動物提供最佳的養護服務。 4. 高雄文心動物醫院還優先為客戶提供網路診斷、線上諮詢服務,讓客戶能夠在社區留守的家居環境中享受到專業的醫療服務。 5. 高雄文心動物醫院透過舉辦各種動物保健教育講座,將動物醫院提供的專業服務發揚光大,促進人與動物之間的友好相處。
Google Reviews: - 4.5/5 (6 reviews) - “I am really pleased with my experience at the Wenxin Animal Hospital in Kaohsiung. The staff was extremely friendly and helpful and the facilities were clean and well-maintained. The vet was very knowledgeable and took the time to explain my pet's condition in detail. Highly recommend!” - “Very friendly staff and knowledgeable vets. The receptionist was able to answer all my questions in detail and the vet took great care of my pet. The facility was very clean and well-maintained. I would definitely recommend Wenxin Animal Hospital in Kaohsiung.” - “This is the best veterinarian clinic I have ever been to. They were friendly, thorough, and very knowledgeable. My pet was in good hands and I could tell the vet was really passionate about what he does. Highly recommend this place!” - “I would highly recommend Wenxin Animal Hospital in Kaohsiung. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable and the vet explained everything very clearly. The facility was very clean and well-maintained. Definitely worth the visit!” - “I had a great experience at Wenxin Animal Hospital. The staff was friendly and the vet was knowledgeable and thorough. The facility was clean and well-maintained. I would definitely recommend this place to anyone looking for an excellent vet clinic in Kaohsiung.” - “I was very impressed with the quality of care I received at Wenxin Animal Hospital in Kaohsiung. The staff was friendly and helpful and the vet was knowledgeable and professional. The facility was clean and well-maintained. Highly recommend!”
萬新動物醫院 永全動物醫院 大佳寵物醫院及服務 台中大佳寵物醫院位於台中市南屯區,是高雄地區最熱門
英國皇家動物醫院 犬貓屋動物醫院、服務 20 基隆犬貓屋動物醫院位於台北市基隆的員林路一段
佳和動物醫院 安定動物醫院新竹縣安定動物醫院是一家由專業領先、服務至上的有名醫院,自1
和欣動物醫院 立和動物診所 楓樹寵物醫院 府城動物醫院台南府城動物醫院是位於台南市中心的一家專業的獸醫院。由於
琪欣動物醫院 信安動物醫院新竹縣信安動物醫院是台灣最具規模的動物醫院之一,它位於新竹縣
伊甸動物醫院台北伊甸園動物醫院成立於 2014 年,已成為台灣最著名的獸
動物誌 About Animals 新永吉動物醫院台中新永吉動物醫院是一家專門治療動物病症的專業醫院,位於
Biorecovery Veterinary Mobile Services - 研康獸醫診所獸醫獸醫服務上門獸醫寵物獸醫寵物醫院Biorecovery Veterinary Mobil