1. Ms. Susan's Taiwanese-German Clinic: "I've been going to Ms. Susan's Taiwanese-German Clinic for several years now. I could not be more pleased with the care I receive there. The staff is courteous and professional and the atmosphere is friendly and inviting. I appreciate the fact that they take the time to explain any procedure and answer all of my questions. I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone looking for a great medical experience." 2. Huang's German-Taiwanese Clinic: "I have been using Huang's German-Taiwanese Clinic for the past year and I am extremely happy with it. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable and always ready to help with any request that I may have. The doctors are knowledgeable and have a great bedside manner. I can honestly say that this is one of the best clinics I have ever been to in Taipei."
夏一新身心精神科診所 中崙聯合診所台北中倫聯合診所是一家現代化的醫療機構,位於充滿活力的台灣台
台東縣鹿野鄉衛生所 福和診所 高雄市內門區衛生所 愷耀居家物理治療所 鹿野診所 羅肇煒診所羅兆威診所位於桃園市,以其經驗豐富的醫療團隊以及使用最新設備
健麗醫護理之家台南健麗醫護理之家(JingLee Nursing Home
愛生家庭醫學科診所 林信佑診所 藍偉宏診所 北高靚世紀診所 蔡武昌診所 鴻基診所 美德醫院台中美德醫院是位於台灣台中的一流醫療機構。它是一家領先的西醫
中國醫藥大學附設醫院臺中總院 湖前中西藥局 養全診所 永順診所 永晴診所 高品診所 北新醫院