1. Ms. Susan's Taiwanese-German Clinic: "I've been going to Ms. Susan's Taiwanese-German Clinic for several years now. I could not be more pleased with the care I receive there. The staff is courteous and professional and the atmosphere is friendly and inviting. I appreciate the fact that they take the time to explain any procedure and answer all of my questions. I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone looking for a great medical experience." 2. Huang's German-Taiwanese Clinic: "I have been using Huang's German-Taiwanese Clinic for the past year and I am extremely happy with it. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable and always ready to help with any request that I may have. The doctors are knowledgeable and have a great bedside manner. I can honestly say that this is one of the best clinics I have ever been to in Taipei."
諮詢經驗 佳璋診所是位於高雄市的一家由醫療專家開設的身心科
世華醫院 謝氏診所 長庚醫療財團法人基隆長庚紀念醫院-情人湖基隆長庚醫療基金會基隆長庚紀念醫院-情人湖是台灣領先的醫療機
柏生聯合診所 大新診所 三德中醫診所-視訊門診清冠一號失眠自律神經療法 三德中醫診所於2009年成立,由多位專業中醫師集合
劉士桐診所 巧兒親子診所 成大醫院斗六分院 惠心婦幼診所_重陽院區 吳坤駿診所 金門縣金寧鄉衛生所 承康診所台中承康診所是一家位於台中市北屯區內,提供一系列專業醫療服務
行願中醫診所 三重宏仁醫院新北市三重宏仁醫院是一家由台灣新北市政府贊助的綜合性醫療院所
健興診所 林長興診所 昱宏診所 王俊傑診所 劉宣彥診所 中壢長榮醫院