1. Ms. Susan's Taiwanese-German Clinic: "I've been going to Ms. Susan's Taiwanese-German Clinic for several years now. I could not be more pleased with the care I receive there. The staff is courteous and professional and the atmosphere is friendly and inviting. I appreciate the fact that they take the time to explain any procedure and answer all of my questions. I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone looking for a great medical experience." 2. Huang's German-Taiwanese Clinic: "I have been using Huang's German-Taiwanese Clinic for the past year and I am extremely happy with it. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable and always ready to help with any request that I may have. The doctors are knowledgeable and have a great bedside manner. I can honestly say that this is one of the best clinics I have ever been to in Taipei."
德謙醫院 大順診所高雄大順診所,位於高雄臺灣的藝術中心,是一家專業的臨床診所,
陳玫妃診所 正薪醫院 尚德診所南投草屯 內科 心臟科 老人 新和診所新北市新和診所是一家現代化的醫療機構,可滿足尋求高質量醫療服
高雄市彌陀區衛生所 揚善診所 東方賽鴿醫院 門諾會醫院仁愛樓 陳玄宗診所台中陳玄宗診所是臺中知名的婦產科診所,由許多家庭已醫生陳玄宗
聖康診所 台大醫院北護分院 韓乃輝診所 振益診所 裕隆汽車製造股份有限公司員工診所 三聖醫院 基隆市立醫院 晟欣診所