可以到社群媒體上搜尋如Google/Facebook/Tripadvisor等,發現香港蘇傑榮醫生的大眾評論都非常積極,開放,友善,有耐心,而且技術娴熟,令病人有安心感。 如Facebook評論: “Dr So is a great doctor. He listens to his patients and is honest and caring. He takes time to explain the diagnosis and prognosis. Highly recommend him.” “Dr Su is an amazing doctor. Very knowledgeable and attentive to my needs. He takes time to answer all questions and offers the best advice. Highly recommend him!” “Dr So is an excellent doctor. He is very friendly, patient and spends a lot of time making sure that the diagnosis is accurate. Highly recommend him!”
佑恩小兒科診所 卓健旗艦醫療中心香港卓健旗艦醫療中心(CHKL)位於九龍灣,是香港醫療衛生界
陳以誠醫生兒科醫生 榮恩耳鼻喉科小兒科聯合診所 匯兒兒科醫務中心 Primecare P 許文俊小兒科診所 Dr Eric Lee Kwok Wai 林文豹小兒科診所 榮陽內小兒科診所 王宗傑醫生王宗傑博士是旅居香港的著名專家。作為一位備受尊敬的社區成員,
許內兒科診所 蘇傑榮醫生 EYEhk 香港視覺護眼中心 (角膜塑形 吳國堯小兒科診所 Dr Yip Mung Sze Cynt 屈銘軒小兒科診所台北屈銘軒小兒科診所於1993年創立,是台北市內最資深的小兒
亞聯小兒科 陳友二小兒科內科診所 王同成小兒科診所 許永霖內兒科診所