1. Dr. Cheng’s office at Kaohsiung Children’s Center is a wonderful place. He and his staff are very professional and compassionate. I had to take my son there for a check-up and they were very accommodating. They explained everything to me in detail and answered all of my questions. Their office is clean and comfortable, and the staff are friendly and helpful. I would highly recommend Dr. Cheng’s office. 2. I took my daughter to the Kaohsiung Children's Center for her check-up and I was really impressed with the level of service we received. The doctor was very knowledgeable and explained everything in detail. His staff was incredibly helpful and friendly, and they made us feel welcome. The office was clean and comfortable, and the atmosphere was relaxed. I would highly recommend this office to anyone looking for a pediatrician in Kaohsiung.
高雄勞小兒科診所位於高雄市三民區,是一家7 名專業醫師和20
十全內科小兒科診所 鄭小兒科診所雲林鄭小兒科診所是位於雲林縣褒忠鄉的一家醫療服務點,由鄭小兒
佳宏小兒科診所 德安小兒科診所台南德安小兒科診所是一間位於台南市的專業小兒科醫院,致力於為
榮恩耳鼻喉科小兒科聯合診所 憲昌內科小兒科診所 江大元醫生 - 旺角 楊醫師小兒科診所 哲煌內兒科診所 楊寶麟小兒科診所 張淑華小兒科診所 永霖小兒科診所 張永昌小兒科診所 黎慶煦醫生 林建業醫生香港林建業醫生是一位香港醫療界的知名醫生。他具備三十多年的專
周祖佑小兒科診所 吳光男小兒科 曹景雄小兒科診所桃園市曹景雄小兒科診所位於桃園市忠孝路二段103號之3樓,由
松山內兒科診所 大明內兒科診所 劉昌興小兒科診所 徐慶鐘小兒科診所台南徐慶鐘小兒科診所是一家由台南徐慶鐘醫師創辦的小兒科診所。
關炘榮醫生關欣榮醫生是香港醫學界的傑出領袖。 30 多年來,她一直致力