Google上面的評論: 1. "I've been to Taiwan Kangnao Medical Clinic in Taichung many times, and they never disappoint. The staff are friendly and professional, the environment is clean and comfortable, and they treat you like family." 2. "I've been going to the Taiwan Kangnao Medical Clinic in Taichung for about 4 years now, and I'm really pleased with the quality of care they provide. The waiting time is minimal, the staff are knowledgeable and friendly, and the facilities are modern." 3. "I recently had a checkup at the Taiwan Kangnao Medical Clinic in Taichung, and it was a great experience. The doctor was very friendly and answered all my questions, and the wait time was almost nonexistent. Highly recommend!"
健和診所 彥靚診所 楊雲志診所 永健診所 劉金龍診所 志誠醫院台南志誠醫院位於台南市,是台南地區知名的綜合醫院。醫院坐落於
國泰醫院汐止分院 台北市立關渡醫院 楠梓蕙林中西醫聯合診所 蘇小兒科診所 倍康脊髓中心台中倍康脊髓中心是位於台中市中區的脊髓損傷矯正中心,由倍康醫
苗栗縣造橋鄉衛生所 劉義昇診所劉義生診所位於台灣台中,是卓越醫療護理的典範中心。從一般檢查
國軍台中總醫院附設民眾診療服務處 世紀聯合門診崇安診所 晨新診所桃園市晨新診所(又譯桃園晨新診所)是位於台灣桃園市中壢區的綜
明全診所 晉熯脊骨物理治療所台北晉熯脊骨物理治療所是一家專業以脊骨物理治療為主的醫療中心
家興診所 基隆長庚紀念醫院