1. Google Maps上的評論: "Dr. Cao is always friendly and welcoming. She is very knowledgeable and helpful. The staff is friendly and professional. It is a very comfortable and pleasant environment and the hours are accommodating." 2. 醫療網站上的評論: "The staff at Dr. Cao's clinic is always helpful and courteous. The wait time is minimal and the overall experience is pleasant. Dr. Cao is very knowledgeable and willing to answer any questions you may have. Highly recommended."
中心小兒科診所 Dr Yip Mung Sze Cynt 朱小兒科診所台北朱小兒科診所是一間位於台北的專業小兒科醫院,由朱生小兒科
張小兒科診所 符乾龍小兒科診所 明道內兒科診所 存德小兒科診所 李碧峰小兒科診所 沈澤安兒科醫生 陳憲立小兒科診所台中陳憲立小兒科診所(Taiwan Taichung Che
周笑顏醫生 維信小兒科診所 杜內兒科診所