1. “Dr. Liu is amazing! She took the time to explain my condition in detail and was extremely patient even though I had so many questions to ask. Her bedside manner is wonderful and I felt comfortable talking with her.” 2. “Dr. Liu is a very knowledgeable doctor. She provides detailed explanations of her treatments and is willing to listen to my questions. I feel like she really cares about my health and is always available to answer my questions.” 3. “Dr. Liu is one of the best doctors I have ever seen. She is very professional and listens to all my concerns. She remembers my medical history, is understanding, and takes the time to discuss any issues or concerns that I might have.”
后里張婦產外科診所 詹外婦產科診所 杜榮基醫生 傅憲舫婦產科診所 陳柳娟醫生(婦產科專科醫生) 陳榮輝婦產科診所 譚靜婷婦產科醫生香港譚靜婷婦產科醫生是香港頂尖的婦產科專業人士,譚靜婷博士於
蔡明宗婦產科診所 李婦產科診所 鄭英傑婦產科診所屏東縣鄭英傑婦產科診所位於台灣的屏東市,專為提供妇女和婦產科
蔡景晴婦產科診所。 台中蔡景晴婦產科診所位於台中市西屯區,是一家歷史悠久的
馨生婦產科小兒科 暨馨悅產後護理之家 梁結棠醫生香港梁結棠醫生是香港著名的分子遺傳醫學專家,擅長於診斷與
黃福銧醫生 黃婦產科診所 康婕婦產科診所台北康潔婦產科診所致力為台灣孕婦及女性提供優質的保健服務。診
忠孝世賓婦產科診所 趙婦產科診所 林兆強醫生香港尖沙咀林兆強醫生是一位服務香港社會逾二十年的知名醫學專家