1. 元智中醫診所: "Dr. Tsai and the staff at Yaun Chih Chinese Medicine Clinic are amazing. He is so knowledgeable and takes the time to explain each procedure in detail. He is also very patient and is always willing to answer any questions I have. I have been going to the clinic for over three years now, and have seen a tremendous improvement in my health. I would highly recommended the Yaun Chih clinic to anyone looking for a great Chinese medicine doctor." 2. 樂華中醫診所: "I found Lohwa Chinese Medicine Clinic to be an excellent choice for traditional Chinese Medicine treatment. The staff at the clinic are very knowledgeable and helpful with my queries. The overall atmosphere is also very welcoming and comfortable. I have received wonderful treatments here and will definitely be returning again soon. Highly recommended!"
店 台北大方書局是位於台北市中山區的一家現代古典書店,本店
中醫科部 長春藤中醫館 恒德堂中醫診所高雄恒德堂中醫診所位於台灣高雄市,一直以來一直是城市中受到歡
蕭玲註冊中醫師 香港蕭玲註冊中醫師是一位具有豐富經驗的中醫師,他在香港
太陽中醫診所 一安堂中醫診所 岐黃景略中醫診所 裕元堂藥房 佑全中醫診所 日安堂中醫診所 仁愛中醫醫院 思邈堂中醫診所 至真中醫診所 德芳中醫診所 劉楠賢中醫診所 韋睿宏中醫診所 宏平中醫診所