熱搜情報網 > 汽車 > KEIZO CUSTOM
1. KEIZO CUSTOM的特色是,他們為客戶量身打造出一個獨一無二的服飾。 2. KEIZO CUSTOM建立了一個完整的客製化流程,從選擇材料,製作樣式以及試穿之後的修改等,他們都將一一滿足客戶的所有需求。 3. KEIZO CUSTOM全面提供獨一無二的設計服務,使客戶能夠穿上一件與眾不同的衣服,而這種衣服只有客戶擁有。 4. 此外,KEIZO CUSTOM的服務涵蓋了從排版到大膽的染色,縫製細節以及設計開發等,以滿足客戶不同層面的需求。
Yelp顧客評論: "KEIZO Custom has been one of the best clothing stores I've ever been to in Singapore. They have a wide variety of good quality attire, with a friendly and knowledgeable staff to help with any inquiries. Would definitely come back again if I ever visit Singapore! Highly recommended." "I was gifted a piece of clothing from KEIZO Custom during my trip to Singapore and it was a great experience. The staff was really friendly and helpful in helping me choose the right sizes and colors. The clothing itself is well made and of good quality. Would definitely recommend to anyone looking for quality clothing!"
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