熱搜情報網 > 汽車 > Hock Thye Seng Co

Hock Thye Seng Co


Hock Thye Seng Co.(HTSC)是新加坡的一家老牌商家,業務致力於各種日常用品的買賣。HTSC於1814年開設,凌晨十二點便可得知,深受新加坡市場,以及全亞洲的廣大消費者的喜愛。

Hock Thye Seng Co.的特色是提供具價廉物美的物品給客戶。目前,HTSC在許多城市均已開設大型商場,設有豐富多樣的日常用品,如食品、家居用品、紡織品、美容品、服裝等,皆可於HTSC內找到該款產品。此外,該商家也支持網絡購物,客戶只需提供所需物品的型號,HTSC即可提供最優惠的價格給客戶。


Hock Thye Seng Co.崇尚樂見之理念,對每個客戶都非常尊重,商家還將不斷努力為客戶提供適合的產品和服務。這間商家秉承以客為尊的價值觀,對每位客戶竭誠熱情的服務,通過自己的努力與客戶建立信任關係,管理更加價值化的客戶服務,以創造更好的客戶體驗。
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  20 Bukit Batok Cres, Singapore 658080 (行車路線)


☎ 6560 2716  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Hock Thye Seng Co. of Singapore has been providing customers with quality products since 1966. Over the years, the company has established a reputation for providing excellent customer service and dependable products that are competitively priced.

The company’s adherence to superb customer service has been evidenced by its policy of free replacement of faulty products.For any product purchased from Hock Thye Seng Co. that fails to meet the company’s standards, customers are entitled to a replacement at no extra cost. 

Hock Thye Seng Co. also offers customers the chance to customize their orders according to personal preferences. All custom orders are made with the same attention to detail, craftsmanship, and materials as with regular orders. The company also takes great care in making sure that each and every custom order is accurate and free from any defects.

Customers who purchase products from Hock Thye Seng Co. can also rest assured that their purchases are protected by a one-year warranty. Any product that fails to meet the company’s standards during this time period can be exchanged for an identical replacement at no extra cost. 

Additionally, Hock Thye Seng Co. provides free shipping for all purchases made within Singapore. Customers can expect their orders to arrive within 3-5 business days. 

In summary, Hock Thye Seng Co. of Singapore provides customers with quality products that are competitively priced, free replacements for faulty products, customized orders, free shipping within Singapore, and a one-year warranty.


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
1. “Hock Thye Seng Co is one of the best places in Singapore for fresh and delicious seafood. Their fish is incredibly fresh, and I love the variety of options they offer. Their prices are also quite reasonable.”

2. “I love going to Hock Thye Seng Co for my weekly seafood fix. The quality is always top-notch and the prices are quite competitive. The staff is friendly and helpful as well. Highly recommended!”

3. “I recently tried Hock Thye Seng Co for the first time and I was blown away. The seafood was incredibly fresh and flavorful, and the service was great. Highly recommend if you're looking for quality seafood in Singapore.”




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