熱搜情報網 > 汽車 > EuroAutomobile Servi

EuroAutomobile Servi


✉  30 Teban Gardens Cres, 新加坡 608927 (行車路線)


☎ 6566 2200  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. EuroAutomobile Service 是新加坡公認專業汽車保養服務及汽車維修的供應商,旗下擁有汽車維修工程師、汽車車輛檢測員及資深汽車工程專家等專業人士。(EuroAutomobile Service, recognized in Singapore for professional car maintenance services and car repair, is staffed by car repair technicians, vehicle inspectors and senior car engineering specialists).

2. EuroAutomobile Service的專業服務範圍包括汽車維修、車輛檢測、車輛車架修理及美容清洗等,同時也提供汽車配件和零件的銷售及其他產品和服務。(The professional services of EuroAutomobile Service include car repair, vehicle inspection, vehicle frame repair and cleaning, as well as the sale of car parts and components and other products and services).

3. 另外,它還提供了一個循環汽車服務系統,可以根據客戶的需求,提供高品質的維修、檢測、清洗服務和其他其他產品和服務,以確保客戶的安全和省錢。(In addition, it also offers a circular car service system that provides high quality repair, inspection, cleaning services and other products and services according to the needs of customers, to ensure customer safety and cost savings).

4. 此外,為顧及客戶的滿意度,EuroAutomobile Service還向客戶提供了一對一客戶服務,以確保他們的汽車正常運轉並獲得快速反應。(Moreover, for the sake of customer satisfaction, EuroAutomobile Service also provides one-on-one customer service to ensure that their cars are running properly and get fast response).


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. “My husband and I were extremely pleased with our recent service at EuroAutomobile Service in Singapore. They explained everything they were doing in a clear and concise manner and made sure our car was running perfectly before we left. It was very comforting to know that they had our best interests at heart.”- Jenny, Singapore

2. “I recently had my car serviced at EuroAutomobile Service in Singapore and was very pleased with the experience. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable and did an excellent job of keeping me informed throughout the process. The work was done quickly and I had my car back in no time. Highly recommend!”- Mark, Singapore




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