熱搜情報網 > 汽車 > Eng Hup Tyres Batte
Eng Hup Tyres & Battery is a family-run business operating in Singapore for over 30 years. They specialize in automotive services, providing a full range of services including tyre and battery services, wheel alignment, wheel balancing, air-conditioning servicing, oil change, suspension and brake servicing. Eng Hup Tyres & Battery also prides itself in delivering professional and personalised services to customers at an affordable price. Eng Hup Tyres & Battery provides tyres for cars, SUVs and light trucks of all sizes and models, from value-priced to premium performance tyres. They carry top brands such as Bridgestone, Yokohama, Goodyear, Toyo Tires, etc. They also stock a wide range of battery brands such as Panasonic, Bosch and Denso, and strive to provide the best battery for their customers’ vehicle needs. Eng Hup Tyres & Battery is also equipped with the latest high-tech wheel alignment equipment. This allows them to accurately and quickly detect the slightest misalignment and correct it for optimum performance and safety. The team of experienced technicians is also proficient in servicing customer air-conditioning systems. They meticulously inspect the cooling system, and follow up with comprehensive air-conditioning maintenance and repair services. Apart from automotive services, Eng Hup Tyres & Battery also provides comprehensive care and maintenance programmes for their customers’ vehicles. This includes preventive maintenance packages that provide customers with routine maintenance and cost savings. Eng Hup Tyres & Battery strives to remain dedicated to their customers’ needs, putting safety first and providing quality services at competitive prices. Their friendly and helpful staff will help make your automotive service experience a pleasant one. They also understand the importance of affordability and strive to provide the best services at the most reasonable prices.**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***
Eng Hup Tyres and Battery 提供了多樣性的特色,讓他們的服務更加出色。 第一條:Eng Hup Tyres and Battery 提供現場檢查,全面檢查車輛性能,以確保車輛能夠正常營運。 第二條:Eng Hup 提供一站式車輛維修服務,包括車輛電子設備、空調系統維修及其他配件之更換等。 第三條:Eng Hup Tyres and Battery 也提供24小時服務,能夠有效節省用戶的時間和精力。 第四條:Eng Hup Tyres and Battery 更提供優惠價格的硬件、零配件以及定期服務維護套餐。
新加坡Eng Hup Tyres Batte的大眾評論非常正面!許多顧客稱讚這家店的服務非常完善,更換輪胎的費用也相對合理。顧客們稱讚Eng Hup Tyres Batte工作人員熱情友善,也會為顧客提供有用的建議與詢問,能確保顧客對於新更換的輪胎有更深入的了解。大多數的顧客對於Eng Hup Tyres Batte的服務都表示滿意,甚至有些顧客會向他們的家人推薦Eng Hup Tyres Batte的服務。
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