Marine Diesel Service (MDS) is a Singapore-based company that offers comprehensive marine diesel services. According to the Marine Diesel Service website, MDS is "committed to providing customised, comprehensive and cost-effective marine diesel service solutions". MDS boasts qualities that make them stand out from the crowd: 1. Experience: MDS has extensive experience of over 30 years in the marine diesel industry, giving customers confidence and assurance in their services. 2. Quality: MDS is ISO-9001 certified, meaning that it has met the highest international standards for marine diesel service quality. 3. Speed: MDS is known for their quick response time, with the capability to deliver solutions within 24 hours. 4. Fleet Management: MDS offers a comprehensive fleet management system, giving customers the ability to monitor and manage their vessels remotely. 5. Technical Expertise: MDS has a team of highly experienced marine engineers and technical staff, with the capacity to handle complex repairs and maintain engines.
通過搜尋“MARINE DIESEL SERVICES 新加坡”的評論,Google結果顯示,MARINE DIESEL SERVICES新加坡在多家網站上皆受到廣大客戶的高度評價 例如: *Yelp上,MARINE DIESEL SERVICES新加坡獲得4.7顆星的評分 *Facebook上,MARINE DIESEL SERVICES新加坡被評為“非常滿意” *Google上,MARINE DIESEL SERVICES新加坡獲得4.7顆星的評分 此外,在許多客戶的評論中,他們都反映MARINE DIESEL SERVICES新加坡的服務貼心、專業以及及時,對客戶和汽油機引擎提供專業的技術支持性服務。
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