熱搜情報網 > 汽車 > Beard Brothers Cycle
1. 新加坡的Beard Brothers Cycle特別以客製化的腳踏車為服務重點,提供給各種不同的用家,包括家庭,單車手以及其他行業業主。 2. 該公司秉持著一貫高品質的理念,提供全方位的客製化腳踏車服務,從設計到建造,作為了解客戶需求的基礎,為用家量身打造屬於他們的單車。 3. Beard Brothers Cycle致力於追求與客戶對其產品的協商,並與客戶探討個人願望與偏好,其服務能為客戶定制單車,例如適合的柱頭,碳纖維輪組,外觀涂裝,煞車和叉子等,讓單車有更好的效能。 4. Beard Brothers Cycle還將提供售後服務,包括馬上給予客戶對維修和保養的技術支持,以滿足用家多元化的需求。
1.“I recently purchased a bike from Beard Brothers Cycle and I'm very satisfied with the service I received. The staff was very helpful and knowledgeable. They were willing to go the extra mile to ensure that I got the best possible deal. Highly recommended!” 2. “My experience buying a bicycle at Beard Brothers Cycle was excellent. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly, and they took the time to explain all the parts and components of the bike. They also gave me a great price, which was a pleasant surprise. Highly recommend!” 3. “Great selection of bikes at Beard Brothers Cycle. I was able to find a quality bike at an affordable price. The staff was helpful in helping me make the right decision and I didn't feel any pressure to buy. Highly recommend this shop!”
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