熱搜情報網 > 汽車 > Cycle Carriage DS A

Cycle Carriage DS A


✉  239 Alexandra Rd, 新加坡 159930 (行車路線)


☎ 6479 2792  (立即播打)   馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Cycle & Carriage DS A is a luxury car dealership in Singapore that offers an extensive range of features for its customers. It boasts a showroom which has a full range of new and pre-owned cars on display, along with a wide variety of car accessories. The showroom also offers a comprehensive selection of after-sales services, such as servicing and repairs, vehicle bodywork and re-spraying, and replacement parts. 

In addition, Cycle & Carriage DS A provides a unique membership program for its customers. All members are entitled to a wide range of exclusive benefits such as exclusive discounts, reward points, invitations to private events, and many more. 

Furthermore, Cycle & Carriage DS A also offers a customer service team that is available seven days a week to answer any queries and assist with all needs. This team is available via phone, email and even in person. 

Lastly, Cycle & Carriage DS A also offers roadside assistance which is available 24/7. This includes free towing services, flat repair and assistance with fuel supplies in the event of an emergency. 

To sum up, Cycle & Carriage DS A offers a range of features for its customers, such as a showroom with new and pre-owned cars, after sales services, a customer service team, and 24/7 roadside assistance.


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

Cycle & Carriage DS A 在新加坡是一家有百多年歷史的汽車經銷商,它的客戶服務和售後服務一直受到高度評價。

大多數評論者稱讚Cycle & Carriage DS A的銷售服務非常愉快,銷售顧問很貼心而耐心地解釋特定型號的價值,並提供更多優惠的建議來滿足客人的需求。客戶們也對Cycle & Carriage DS A的技術服務讚賞有加,首席技術員會對車輛的維修工作做到徹底,並會提供聰明的建議來提高汽車的安全性和可靠性。大多數客戶指出它們會推薦Cycle & Carriage DS A給其他車主。

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