熱搜情報網 > 餐廳美食 > The King of Traditio

The King of Traditio

The King of Tradition in Hong Kong is a store that specializes in traditional Chinese customs products: fabric, furniture, ceramics, tea sets, detailed accessories and much more. The store offers a variety of high-quality products ranging from everyday items to fine art pieces, from traditional Chinese crafts to modern items.

The King of Tradition carries items from many cultural regions of China. Their fabrics are especially popular, with customers able to choose from a wide selection of traditional, modern, and designer-inspired fabrics. Furniture, ceramics and decorations are sold in a variety of styles and have been carefully crafted from the finest materials.

All of the products offered at the store are hand-crafted by skilled craftspeople. The store has established itself as a reliable brand for high quality products and excellent customer service.

The King of Tradition provides products that are not only of great quality, but also of great historical and cultural value. Customers can find traditional Chinese items such as the four-legged teapot, a symbol of traditional Chinese culture, or the four-petal flower, a symbol of prosperity and luck.

The King of Tradition offers a unique shopping experience, as customers can not only browse through the store but also take part in the traditional rituals and customs associated with the products. For example, customers can attend tea-pouring ceremonies and other special events.

The King of Tradition is a great place to find unique and high quality products at affordable prices. The store is committed to preserving traditional Chinese culture and providing customers with an experience that is both educational and enjoyable.
**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***


✉  G/F, 53 Mut Wah Street, Kwun Tong, Kwun Tong, 香港 (行車路線)


☎ 2793 0038  (立即播打)  馬上註冊


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

1. 《The King of Traditions》是香港的一家傳銷服務企業,致力於為香港客戶帶來最佳的傳統經驗。

2. 該公司擁有多年的服務經驗,提供客戶包括參觀名勝古蹟、酒店住宿、文化交流、旅遊服務及客戶專屬安排在內的精緻導遊服務,令客戶更深入地體驗香港文化。

3. 此外,該公司專業團隊亦提供家庭旅遊、兩地旅遊、企業旅遊及學校團體旅遊等專業服務,為客戶提供精彩的旅遊體驗。

4. 此外,《The King of Traditions》尚提供預定車輛、協助客戶準備簽證及安排低成本航班等等,以滿足客戶所有旅遊需求。


**** 以上資料來自網路搜尋及整合,僅供參考 ***

香港The King of Traditional Music在大眾之間有着不錯的口碑,從Facebook上的評論來看,評論者認為從The King of Traditional Music彈奏中可以完全感受到港式传统音乐的特色,也有評論者表示,透過The King of Traditional Music在現場演出中可以與港式傳統音樂的面貌建立聯繫。其他人則表示,The King of Traditional Music提供了一個特別的音樂氛圍,吸引人聆聽與分享,令人自然而然地成為了樂迷。




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